(6 results)
Contend for the Faith
Kevin Llanos • Redemption Hill Community Church • Sermon • • 122 views • 26:03
Jude is one of the shortest books in the Bible, but packed with significant doctrine. The overall theme of the book is that believers should remain firm in their faith and resist the influence of false teachers. Jude was previously describing certain persons who had crept into the Church unnoticed (…
Contend for the Faith
Kevin Llanos • Redemption Hill Community Church • Sermon • • 19 views • 20:09
Torah Study
Alex Howard • Sermon • • 8 views
Bamidbar/ Numbers 16:1-18:32 , 1 Samuel 11:14-12:22 , Matthew 26:13-24 Torah Portion Bamidbar/ Numbers 16:1-18:32 Numbers 16:3 “They assembled against Moses and Aaron. They said to them, “You’ve gone too far! All the community is holy—all of them—and Adonai is with them! Then why do you exalt yourselves…
Admonitions for the Last Days
Joseph Carty • Sermon • • 349 views
Korah's Rebellion, God's wrath, and Mosos' and Aaron's intercession
Torah Portions
Michael Vowell • Sermon • • 10 views
Korach | קורח | "Korah " Portion Outline Portion Outline TORAH | Revolt of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram Assembly formed and they charge Moses with Pride “Koraĥ says, in essence, that Moses is certainly a great man – he does not deny this – but that Moses also adds his own content to God’s will.” - Excerpt…
2 Timothy
Patton Shinall • Sermon • • 109 views
We must hold fast to God's Word because God's Word alone leads us to Christ and godliness.