(8 results)
W. Charles Harris II • VILLAGE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH OF LOS ANGELES • Sermon • • 889 views • 1:49:23
Noah The book of Genesis is the story of beginnings. The book can be divided into 2 parts. the first part being: Four Main Events. The second part being: Four Main Persons. The Story of Noah and his sons is recorded in chapter 9, verses 17 continuing to Chapter 10:32: This means that it falls in the…
Matt Horine • Sermon • • 2 views
The death and resurrection of Jesus creates a new influential community with a new mission toward the world, one of purpose and servanthood.
Family Drama
Kyle Gustafson • Sermon • • 40 views
Introduction Myself Pharmacist CVC Youth Leader Missions We are in week 7 of series entitled “Family Drama” Looking to scripture to help us understand our family dynamics and create a family that brings Glory to God Today we are going to be in the book of first Samuel, chapter 16. Now… Important point…
Ordinary Time
Peter H. Davids • Peter H. Davids • Sermon • • 1 view
God shows a consistency throughout scripture. In both our texts he chooses a “least likely to succeed”. In both it is God’s representative who takes the initiative. In both the Spirit will come on the chosen one, But in the Old Testament the Spirit is a sign for the chosen one, who will accomplish God’s purposes of salvation but ultimately fail. In the NT the chosen one becomes a witness to the savior, a physicians helper, so to speak, rather than a savior, and the Spirit will come upon him to equip him for mission. And the salvation is not temporal but transtemporal.
Sermon on the Mount
George Boyd Jr. • Sermon • • 59 views
Jesus instructed the disciples that false teachers would not be allowed into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Finding Hope in Following Jesus
Robert C. Beckman Jr. • Sermon • • 7 views
Start Entice: Did you ever fight with a sibling on a long trip. Generally those kinds of conflicts and blow ups are a product of boredom and proximity. I would guess that some of that is going on in Matthew 20.20-28 . A long trip. Bored. Daydreaming. That sort of thing. Engage: In addition to the intimate,…
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 12 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease Mary Marrow had just arrived in China as a missionary when the Boxer Rebellion broke out in 1900. The leaders of China blamed the missionaries for the problems of the land, and mobs began to violently persecute the Christians. They were dragged from their homes and forced to stomp…