(14 results)

From Bethlehem to Calvary
Pastor Isaac Crockett • ELBC • Sermon • • 16 views • 31:45
Luke 5:12-16

Matthew 2019-2020
Jason Stuart Percy • Refuge TLH • Sermon • • 93 views • 1:04:57
Jesus heals our sicknesses. Not always how we want, or when we want. Everyone that was healed by Jesus while He was on Earth still died. Those who trust Him are healed eternally and are in His presence awaiting the resurrection. Jesus demonstrated to Israel that He was truly the promised Messiah, God with Us, come to remove the curse upon creation after Adam's sin. Jesus did many great miracles and He still does. Not the least of which, He was raised from the dead and is, therefore, alive now. He has promised to raise everyone who lives and believes in Him. We have truly entered and enjoy His Kingdom knowing freedom from the fear of death! He Himself took our infirmities. Rejoice, we'll live free of sicknesses in the end.

What Do We Do Now? (Week 3)
Chris Heacock • Calvary Heights Baptist Church • Sermon • • 13 views • 37:22

Roger • New Life Ministries • Sermon • • 39 views
We need to reflect back on ourselves and see just how blessed we truly are.

Tell Me the Story of Jesus
John Bagby • New Haven Missionary Baptist Church • Sermon • • 27 views
Dr. Mark A. Barber • Sermon • • 11 views
While he was going through one of the towns, a man came up, who had an advanced case of leprosy, and when he saw Jesus, he fell upon his face before him and petitioned him, saying: “Lord, if you are willing, you have the power to cleanse me”. And Jesus stretched forth his hand and touched him and said:…
Dr. Mark A. Barber • Sermon • • 20 views
Introduction This morning’s text follows the end of what is presented by Mark as the first day of Jesus’ public ministry. This is not to say that these events all happened on the same calendar day, and nowhere does Mark actually say so, but a casual reading of the text makes it seem that Jesus after…
Aaron E. Green • Sermon • • 118 views
Intro: A few years ago the youth group invented a game based on Samuel's early childhood. We would blind-fold one of the youth and give them a ball. That person would say "Samuel, Samuel" and the rest of the youth group would stand around in a circle and say, "Speak, for your servant hears." Then the…
Sermon • • 65 views
Dearly loved congregation of the Lord Jesus Christ, Thanksgiving Day is a curious holiday. It runs against the grain of our culture: inviting people to pause and reflect: to stop and appreciate what they have, taking a break from the relentless pursuit of bigger, better, newer things. It is also a curious…
Waldean Wall • Sermon • • 8,740 views
Luke 17:11-19 Luke’s story of Jesus healing the 10 lepers is often used show how we should give thanks for God’s amazing blessings. Well, the story is about that - but there’s much more here…… In order to better understand what Jesus was saying 2000 years ago, it’s often important to make sure we understand…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 58 views
A Somebody, a nobody and God EBC 2 Kings 5:1-15 9/4/05 This morning we want to talk about a somebody (Naaman) a nobody (the maiden) and her God. We’ll see today that this great man humbled himself before the Lord and received grace and healing because of the heart of a nobody. Maybe you’re here today…
Robert Cote • Sermon • • 102 views
The Disobedience of the Leper Mark 1:42-45 This passage, rightly understood would surely throw off the Christian practice of some. The scripture tells us to rightly divide the word of truth, and this scripture is proof that if we don’t take time to study out God’s Word, even for something that seems…
Robert Cote • Sermon • • 25 views
The Touch of Compassion Mark 1:40-41 I. COMING INTO CONTACT WITH A LEPER WAS BOTH DANGEROUS AND UNLAWFUL. (Lev.13:45-46) A. No one touched lepers. B. They were to remain separate. C. They were to cry unclean. II. JESUS DID NOT TOUCH HIM IN ORDER TO HEAL HIM PHYSICALLY. A study of Jesus’ healing practices…
Norman Collins • Sermon • • 11 views
When we have the ability to do it, we should not expect God to mysteriously act in some miraculous way when we have the ability to do it. Introduction Joke about the Pope and Rabbi Something, people look at things too spiritually People Physical Jesus Feeding the 5000 John 6:1-14 Jesus could have just…