(2 results)
Wilbert C. Harrison • FBCHM • Sermon • • 10 views • 46:34
In case you haven’t heard, you have been invited into a special relationship. Yes, we talk about being rescued from the consequence of sin. We teach about having a changed mind and so many other things that center on the physicality of life on earth. By we, I mean followers of Christ. We hope that these tangible ‘things’ entice you to start thinking about accepting God’s gift of salvation. But in that, what we really want you to experience the relationship with His son, Jesus, that comes after making that decision. We can’t sit it in your lap or drop it in your inbox or show a PowerPoint slide that will give you the experience. We can only show you where to get it. The rest is up to you.
Discover Intentional Living
Bro. Paul Bullock • CVBC • Sermon • • 7 views • 33:35
One of the most important choices every believer must make in order to live the abundant life God intends is the choice to serve others. It is certainly one of the things that distinguishes the life of our Lord. He left heaven and came to earth with the intent to serve mankind.
The name ‘Christian’ certainly ought to carry the connotation of one who serves. After all, can we truly claim the name if we don’t follow His example and give ourselves to serve others? I pray that on a daily basis we will choose to minister to the glory of Christ.