(7 results)
Parables of Jesus
Joseph Misiaszek • Sermon • • 5 views
FOOLISH RICH MAN Last week we started our new series of walking through the parables of Jesus. Parable – a simple story used to illustrate and teach a moral or spiritual lesson or religious principle. Last week was the story of the wise and foolish builders. Wise upon hearing the Words of Christ, implants…
Book of James
David Krueger • Sermon • • 6 views
The dangers of wealth in the Christian life.
Knowing the God that Created You
Bill Woody • Sermon • • 46 views
Desiring God Text: Psalm 42:1-2 (KJV) 1 As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. 2 My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God? I. Life’s greatest pursuit is to know God. * To the world, life’s greatest pursuit is our…
The King's Road of Preparation
Marc Transparenti • Sermon • • 1,036 views
Good Morning Calvary Chapel Lake City! Parents you may dismiss your kids! If you don’t have a Bible... Please join us this Thursday at 7pm for our Mid-Week Bible Study in Genesis. Starting next Sunday at 6pm, we are beginning Youth Group which will meet right here at Lakeland. If you feel called to help…
Parables "Jesus the Master Teacher"
Mark Hoover • Sermon • • 22 views
Believers are to use their Masters money in a way that will bring friends for eternity - by investing in the kingdom gospel that brings sinners to Salvation.
Pure and undefiled Religion
Jake Davidson • Sermon • • 240 views
Patience and Persovering
It is Not What You Have, But What Has You
Edward Pagan • Sermon • • 23 views
Why riches are uncertain for security