(3 results)
Genesis: Prologue
Chad Wilham • Sermon • • 23 views
Introduction: The text we’ve just read together records for us the tragic events that give way to the first murder ever committed in human history. That being said, though the first homicide is at the forefront of the chapter, the chapter is less about murder and more about what Jude 11 calls “the way…
Glen Gerhauser • Sermon • • 13 views
Theme: We do not need to fear in these last days if we fear the Lord.
Learning To Read Scripture As Storied: The Book of Genesis
Christopher Watkins • New Community Church of the Nazarene • Sermon • • 6 views • 49:10
When Adam sinned he opened the door for Sin and Death to enter the world. Satan had only partially succeeded with Adam, but is successful with Cain and making him an imager of a demon. Cain crouches in the field and lept upon his brother and murdered him. Cain refused to master his passions and instead indulged in them and became made in the image of the beast. Yet, Cain also becomes an Anti-Adam figure and spread sin and curse to the whole world as he becomes a leader of men for wickedness!