(3 results)
Missions in Our Generation
Leonard Chong • Queenstown Baptist Church • Sermon • • 122 views • 48:15
Discovering the Church
Barry G. Johnson, Sr. • Sermon • • 12 views
The people of God must interact with the world and bring the Gospel to the marketplace.
Lent 2021
Sean Mortenson • Church of the Desert • Sermon • • 48 views
Most of us feel the tension that "church" isn't working anymore. Are these problems new to our age, or have they always been there? Jesus could have been speaking to the modern church when rebuking those who turned the temple into a marketplace. The modern church model is built on marketplace principles and dependent on money to pay staff, buy buildings, and other operating costs. These things conflict with the way of Jesus and the church's vocation, but there is good news!