(2 results)
Looking for Blessings?
Jeff Hale • Emmanuel CRC • Sermon • • 391 views • 33:37
Our great reward in heaven is our Victor's Crown.
In the Bible a crown signifies status, honor, significant achievement, and power.
Jesus tells us in Revelation 2:10,
“Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown.”
On that day, we will hear the word's well done my good and faithful servant and the Lord will place on our head our Victor's Crown.
Looking for Blessings?
Jeff Hale • Emmanuel CRC • Sermon • • 38 views • 40:41
Like Jesus and the prophets before us, people and social structures that have no desire to submit to the rule and reign of God, reject our message, which is God’s offer of peace through Jesus Christ. As it was in the time of Jesus and in the times of the prophets, so it is in our day, there are people who will take extreme measures to silence the message and the messenger.