(10 results)
Apostolic Defense: Book of 2 Corinthians
James Rogers • Sermon • • 61 views • 38:16
Liberality of giving Keeping things in context Paul had been addressing, encouraging, imploring the collection for the Judean saints. Still the overall principle of the liberality of given has been displayed (2Cor8) The scripture is has much to say regarding the liberality of giving in teaching from…
More please!
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 100 views • 37:37
One Great offer leads to a . . . God’s great offer should lead to our cheerful offering. God has always offered mercy and grace to people. First to Jews, to Israel then to all who would come to Him by faith through the blood of the Son. God’s great offering was costly (Jn3:16, 15:13) A high cost, price…
The Grace of Giving
Jonathan Anderson • Faith Baptist Church • Sermon • • 281 views • 53:00
Last week we focused on the reasons for why we should excel in the grace of giving. This week I want to lay out for you the principles that should teach you exactly how to be obedient to God’s desire for you to graciously give. I want us to grow in our understanding of the grace of giving! What are the…
The Son: Meeting Jesus through Luke
Chad Wilham • Sermon • • 4 views
Opening Comments: Please meet me in your copy of God’s word in Luke 12:13-21 . If you’re using one of our church Bibles, you can find your place on pg number 818. This is the Word of the Lord. 13 Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” 14 But he…
Christmas 2021
Patton Shinall • Sermon • • 19 views
Christmas is a time to rejoice because God fulfilled His promise to send Jesus, our Savior and King.
Life of Christ
Michael Sullivant Jr • Sermon • • 116 views
Does Jesus Care? Oh, Yes! He cares, I know He cares! Most of the world serves gods and do the acts of worship of their gods so that the gods will be happy with them and not kill them or hurt them or send the evil spirits upon them. If you serve a god like that, I want you to know that the true God is…
Christmas Eve
Aaron Roeck • Heritage Grace Church • Sermon • • 13 views • 22:34
Passage: Galatians 4:4-7. Merry Christmas! Join us for this Christmas Eve sermon as we reflect on the amazing story of Christ's birth. Because of Jesus, we can be counted as heirs to the family of God.
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 61 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease Celestine Sibley tells of her father saying to her mother one grayish December morning, "the lumber business is going badly. It looks like a poor Christmas this year." She cried out, "A poor Christmas-shame on you! There is no such thing as a poor Christmas! Times can be hard and…
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 473 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease Dr. Samuel Upham, a theological professor and a man of great learning, was dying. The family was gathered around his bed and someone said I believe he is already dead. Someone else said his feet are still warm and nobody ever dies with warm feet. Dr. Upham opened one eye and said,…
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 294 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease Back in the 60's, a movie was made telling the story of a man, who, like Job, got so discouraged that he wished he had never been born. His guardian angel granted him his wish, and also the freedom to go back to his hometown to observe the consequences. Nobody knew him, of course,…