(26 results)
Jeff Hopson • Fellowship Baptist Church • Sermon • • 72 views • 24:04
Revelation 12:7–17 The End Times—Sermon #29 Intro : The chapter we are studying here in Revelation is a chapter wrapped in conflict. In our last study we witnessed war between the nation of Israel, symbolized by pregnant woman, and Satan, symbolized by a great red dragon. As we read our text today, you…
Jomo Thomas • Word of Truth Christian Fellowhship • Sermon • • 152 views • 1:00:15
Daniel 10:10-21 Demonic Resistance Prince of Persia Prince of Greece Daniel is provided Spiritual insight into the Heavenly Spiritual Battle and into some of its implications on Earth Jude 8-10 A humble attitude about Demonic & Spiritual Warfare Eph 6:10-20 Battling Correctly A. The enemy (6:11b–12):…
Jeff Hopson • Fellowship Baptist Church • Sermon • • 16 views • 34:28
Jeff Hopson • Fellowship Baptist Church • Sermon • • 23 views • 27:42
2 Thessalonians
Keith Larson • Greene Valley Presbyterian Church • Sermon • • 405 views • 23:38
It was the year 536 AD, a mysterious black fog descended upon Europe and most of the northern hemisphere. For the next 18 months, the people in these regions lived in darkness. Then came ten years continental-scale crop failures, extreme drought, famine and disease. For example, in the year 540, the…
Trace Miller • Sermon • • 1 view
Introduction We are starting the Taco Box this week! I have recieved all of your questions and will be answering them each Wednesday night. I got some really good questions this time around, and am really excited to answer them all. This week will be a short one. I have 2 questions that I will answer.…
Joseph Misiaszek • Sermon • • 6 views
JUDE 5-9 Last week we started the deeply theological book of Jude. Remember that there was a crisis invading the church and while Jude wanted to write a positive letter of encouragement He ends up writing a heavy, convicting letter calling on believers to contend for the faith and fight against the false…
Daniel: Living a Life of Faith
Bill Connors • Sermon • • 7 views
Bookmarks & Needs: B: Dan 10:10-11:1 N: Welcome Again, good morning and welcome to everyone in the room and to those of you who are here via the internet today. I’m Pastor Bill Connors, and I’d like to say thanks to our Welcome Ministry team this morning. Every week, we have these great volunteers who…
David Mommens • Sermon • • 11 views
Angels are a spiritual reality. There is a danger in our enemy which is not flesh and blood.
We rejoice, not only that God protects us, but that our names our written in the book of life.
Joshua LeBorious • Sermon • • 5 views
We are reminded that God graciously wages war on our behalf. We are encouraged to stand firm even in the midst of trials and tribulations.
The Book of Daniel
Tyler Hurst • Sermon • • 46 views
Introduction Good morning, Today, as we return to the book of Daniel, we begin the beginning of the end of the book. Chapters ten, eleven, and twelve fit together as one cohesive unit, which introduce Daniel’s final vision. Specifically chapter eleven and twelve deal with the vision itself and chapter…
Latin Mass 2022
Rev. Brendan McGrath • Sermon • • 4 views
LESSON: St. Michael, sign of God’s fatherly protection. The word, “angel”, literally means messenger of God. Throughout salvation history, the angels have announced God’s reign, truth, and power. However, they also have another critical role for our individual salvation – they watch over us. Even more…
Daniel: Boldness in Babylon
Joel Hayworth • Sermon • • 3 views
Introduction On this day we are reminded of the freedoms that we are blessed to enjoy in our country, in part, because of the sacrifices that many in our country have made. Billions of other people around the world are not as blessed to possess the freedoms that we presently do and, nearly 2 years ago,…
Richard Schwartz • Sermon • • 9 views
If I were to ask you what is the REAL problem or threat our church is facing, what would you say? or if you want to expand it, what is the REAL problem THE CHURCH in America is facing, what would you say? certainly you could say all sorts of thing: distracted; too busy focused on material possessions…
Eliseo Rodriguez • Sermon • • 51 views
Who is Micheal? Hello this is Eliseo Rodriguez and this is Arianism today. Today we are talking about a subject that has always come up concerning Arianism. Because Arianism believes that the father is God and that Jesus is only the son of God and because the similarities between Arianism and Jehovah's…
Daniel: Boldness in Babylon
Joel Hayworth • Sermon • • 5 views
Introduction We all worship something. Popularity, power, and politics. Fame, food, and family. What does the object of our worship say back, though? Power doesn’t satisfy. Fame comes and goes. Family, as great as it is, isn’t perfect and can leave us longing for more. There has to be something more…
Revelation of Jesus Christ has begun
Michael Disimino • Sermon • • 10 views
Introduction The Apostle John, was the disciple, Jesus seem to favor. The other disciples seemed a little jealous, at times. On several occasions, John was found next to Jesus, where it was said,”the disciple whom Jesus loved.” John 21:7 On the other hand, the Apostle Peter seemed to of had some struggles…
Rev. Leonard Reiss • Sermon • • 2 views
Whatever is happening or will happen in history, God will deliver and bless those who obey and follow Him.
Rev. Leonard Reiss • Sermon • • 23 views
For those who are the chosen of Christ, there is the promise of persecution and of Christ's presence.
C. Jason Walker • Dr. CJ Walker • Sermon • • 16 views
Satan's soreness over his expulsion from heaven brings his devious wrath upon the earth during the Great Tribulation
Pastor Josh Plantholt • Calvary Baltimore • Sermon • • 14 views • 40:39
Pastor Josh examines several interpretations and timelines for the events in Revelation 12. We should not divide over these nonessential points! The takeaway is that Satan is our chief adversary, and lives to slander and accuse God's people. In this chapter, he is thrown out of Heaven for eternity!
When Heaven Breaks Through
Christopher Watkins • New Community Church of the Nazarene • Sermon • • 17 views • 56:25
Revelation can be divided into two halves. The first half is Chapters 1-11 depicting Christ's ascension, receiving a kingdom, & victory over the devil and the powers & principalities. The second half is Chapters 12-22 which depict the Church, the Bride of Christ being made spotless & ready for her Husband. In this half, God is putting the enemies of Christ under his feet through the advancement of the Church (Psalm 110:1). This sermon we begin to look at when the devil was cast down & war begins
Principalities and Powers
Brian Johnston • The Church of God in Birmingham • Sermon • • 13 views