(3 results)
Misc - the ethics of the body
Rich Owen • Worthing Tabernacle • Sermon • • 13 views • 34:43
The Home
Jason Shirk • Sermon • • 0 views
Introduction The topic today is a heavy topic and if you have ever been down this road, you know how hard it is. Katy and I have been married for 13 years now and God has given us 4 wonderful, amazing children. I love my kids so much; they overflow my heart with so much joy. To be honest my previous…
Chris Traffanstedt • Sermon • • 14 views
Introduction: Introduction: When Melodie asked me to offer the Eulogy for baby Ruth Martha Chiren I was immediately honored and humbled. I had both emotions at the same time, honored because to speak on such an occasion as this is serious and points to the gravity of the circumstance and this family…