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Tim Stagner • Vineyard Church (Springfield, MO) • Sermon • • 12 views • 30:12
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 24 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease As I read Barbara Shields book Winners-Women And The Nobel Prize, I was so impressed by the life and leadership of Agnes Gunxha, better known as Mother Teresa. As I read of her life and ministry I kept seeing her fulfilling the requirements that Paul lays down for one to be an elder,…
The Rev. Canon Philip R. Taylor • Sermon • • 5 views
Let the Whole World Fall In “True evangelism, based on the example of Jesus, does not suggest the "missionary zeal" of self-righteous proselytizers. It implies, on the contrary, the kind of all-embracing universality evident in Mother Teresa's prayer: ‘May God break my heart so completely that the whole…
The Rev. Canon Philip R. Taylor • Sermon • • 325 views
August 18, 1993 Speech to Support Staff of Johnston County School System By Philip R. Taylor Johnston Community College Auditorium Thank you, Dr. Houliham, for that gracious introduction. I want to also thank you and Tom Williams for asking me to speak and I want you to know that I think you both are…