(12 results)
The Truth Revealed
Corey Johnson • Sermon • • 0 views
INTRODUCTION: 1. This series is designed to examine doctrine. 21 Test all things; hold fast what is good. 22 Abstain from every form of evil. A. Today, we will continue examining instrumental music. 2. Two weeks ago, we looked at Numbers 10:1-10 . A. In these verses, we found five elements that needed…
The Truth Revealed
Corey Johnson • Sermon • • 3 views
Introduction: 1. When addressing the issue of the use of instrumental music today in the light of New Testament doctrine. A. The first thing that needs to be addressed is the fact that God has never left His worship up to the faulty decision-making of His creation. 1. From the time of Adam and Eve to…
Fundamentals 2021
Landon Rowell • Sermon • • 8 views
Introduction Greetings… As you all know we have been studying through the theme “Fundamentals” with the express desire to better understand or be reminded again of the “pure spiritual milk” of God’s Word that allows us to “grow up into salvation” by way of the meat of God’s Word. 2 Like newborn infants,…
The Truth Revealed
Corey Johnson • Sermon • • 3 views
Introduction: 1. Over the past few weeks we have been examining the use of instruments in the Old Testament corporate worship. A. Week one we examined numbers chapter 10 and the two silver trumpets. 1. The material, number, manner and people was all regulated. 2. The fifth and final aspect of God’s regulation…
From Death To Life
Casey Gray • Sermon • • 17 views
Why we don't use musical instruments
The Truth Revealed
Corey Johnson • Sermon • • 2 views
Introduction: 1. In the last two sermons we have discussed... A. The principle of biblical authority. 1. Biblical authority was necessary in all three biblical dispensations. A. Patriarchal age- Cain and Able B. Mosaical age—Nadab and Abihu C. Christian age—Paul thirteen letters B. Which covenant applies…
The Truth Revealed
Corey Johnson • Sermon • • 4 views
Introduction: 1. Now that this sermon series has laid forth the principle of biblical authority, which should be our guide in biblical matters, the next logical step is to briefly explain which covenant applies to the church of today. A. Because of the confusion that is in the world today concerning…
Summer Psalter - Psalms 146-150
Joel Gilbert • Sermon • • 62 views • 41:03
Introduction Hallelujah! Praise God in His sanctuary. Praise Him in His mighty heavens. Praise Him for His powerful acts; praise Him for His abundant greatness. Praise Him with trumpet blast; praise Him with harp and lyre. Praise Him with tambourine and dance; praise Him with flute and strings. Praise…
The Truth Revealed
Corey Johnson • Sermon • • 8 views
INTRODUCTION: 1. This series is designed to examine doctrine. A. Today, we will continue examining instrumental music. 1. We continue to examine whether the argument “they used it in the Old Testament” is valid. A. All doctrine needs to put under the microscope of the Bible and thoroughly examined. Abstain…
Summer in the Psalms
Jeremy Robinson • Sermon • • 112 views
We were created to praise God The last 5 Psalms make up what is known at the final Hallelujah Psalms. The compilers of the Psalms ended each book/section of the Psalms with Psalms of praise/hallelujah and so it is quite fitting that the whole of the collection (the playlist) would end in Praise. Psalm…
Landon Rowell • Sermon • • 8 views
Introduction Greetings... Over the last several weeks now we have been studying the theme: “Fundamentals.” The basic, milk or foundational topics we all must know and understand before we can “move on” to the solid food. Our focus, in the beginning here, has been on worship and it’s great importance.…
Sermon • • 44 views • 38:07
Why is it that some churches use instruments in their worship today but others do not? While we may never know the answer to every church’s reason for refraining the use instruments, the Bible is very clear about this issue. We must be open minded enough to explore and accept it.