(11 results)
The Book of Colossians
Mark Houghton • Northgate Baptist Church • Sermon • • 24 views • 36:44
Pastor Mark continues his series on Colossians, speaking on the Dangers to our Faith in Christ, and how we can Overcome these Dangers.
Pastor Tony DeLucia • Disciples Christian Church • Sermon • • 14 views • 30:34
Chaplain Josh Stoley • The Rock Protestant Worship Service • Sermon • • 7 views • 37:32
The Corinthian Correspondence
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 234 views • 43:39
Where have you placed your faith? In positive faith-filled self-talk? Or how about joining a cause to make the world a better place? Or a mystical orientation to life where you long for Jesus to speak to you directly and personally? Or does your faith rest in the power of God? How do you really know where your faith lies? Can you be sure? Come with the Grace United Crew as we talk about the power of God, the very power that the world calls weird. Foolish.
The 2 videos referred to are uploaded
Leaving Babylon
Kevin Johnson • Sermon • • 63 views
61% of Christians put their faith in new age ideas. books teaching the idea that God is an impersonal force in the universe and that we are to cultivate relationship with this force by shifting our consciousness and practicing things like “mindfulness”, “presence”, or yoga. In 2018 Netflix recently came…
Dr. Hugo E. Garcia • Sermon • • 318 views
El apóstol advierte a los colosenses sobre las falsas corrientes teológicas que los amenazaban y les hace ver que la vida en Cristo es mejor.
Temas varios
Jaime Robert • Sermon • • 5,041 views
Definir que es vivir en el Espiritu y que implica.
Rooted in Christ
Matt Wood • Sermon • • 8 views
Paul now confronts the mysticism of the false teachers and reveals the error in this perspective on spirituality.
Finding Our Sufficiency in Christ!
Kevin Kinnett • Sermon • • 13 views
Believers are not to be intimidated by those who think spirituality is achieved outside a relationship with Christ
Steve Caswell • Sermon • • 68 views
Colossians 2:18-23 Stephen Caswell© 1999 Going Out of Business This notice appeared in the window of a store in New York City: "Don't be fooled by imitators who claim to be going out of business. We have been going out of business longer than anyone on this block." This add is quite funny! But the warning…
Jarred Edgecombe • Sermon • • 504 views
Three Deadly Distractions Colossians 2: 16-23 Bill Bright used to tell a story about a woman married to a tyrant. He didn’t like the way she kept house. He didn’t like the way she did laundry. He didn’t like the way she ironed his clothes. He didn’t like the way she dressed. He didn’t like the way she…