(2 results)
Brian Manning • Willetton Bible Baptist Church • Sermon • • 11 views • 55:42
Isaiah 18:1-7 ; Isaiah 19:1-25 ; Isaiah 20:1-6 Introduction God Rules Isaiah 18:1-7 Struggle for World Domination Isaiah 18:1-2 The M.E.G.A. Campaign The Rivalry with Assyria The Extent of the Struggle Ease of God’s Dominion Isaiah 18:3-6 A Great Kingdom is Coming God is Patiently Waiting God Rules Trust…
Ben Drew • Sermon • • 27 views
BIG IDEA: Naaman’s cleansing and new life experience from God forms the pattern by which we too receive cleansing and new life through Christ. BIG IDEA: Is God really in control of our world? Elisha is set in a time of turmoil for the people of God. Given the blessing of the promises of God, that he…