(16 results)
Freedom: Book of Galatians
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 98 views • 40:32
History Lesson Learning from history helps us to learn so not to repeat itself or to replicate it so we can have the results they who came before had. Tonight may we learn from some history, because that is what Paul uses in allegorical form to make his next defense. Think back to when you children were…
I Will Build My Church: Luke & Acts Series
Pastor Jed Johnston • A Place Of Grace • Sermon • • 349 views • 38:47
“Charles Templeton” Around 1949 a well known evangelist was just beginning his ministry that would catapult him onto a world wide platform… his name was Billy Graham . However around this time was an even more gifted speaker, one who was winning souls to Christ on an even more impressive rate and level……
Does The Bible Give Evidence of Being from God?
Chaplain Crouterfield • MCBH Protestant Chapel • Sermon • • 15 views • 31:09
Exploring evidences proving that the Bible is the accurate word of God.
Cartas Pastorales
Elías Fraire • Sermon • • 50 views
Identificar errores doctrinales a través del estudio de las Escrituras
Casting Light
Caleb M. Powers • Sermon • • 22 views
Presuppositionalism defends the Christian faith by appealing to what the unbeliever already knows concerning the Christian faith using Scripture (God) as the final authority.
Zachery Klundt • Sermon • • 5 views
Series about the importantance of Apologetics
CTerry • Sermon • • 20 views
Jesus' miracles are intended to testify to his deity and messianic identity
Soldiers Called to War
Jason A. Smith • Sermon • • 19 views
MISSION POSSIBLE: DEALING WITH OPPOSITION How do we deal with opposition? Keep in mind: Our goal is to give someone the Gospel. It is “of first importance” as Paul said to the Corinthians. Only it can convict a sinner of their need for Christ. The Gospel is the best “apologetic” we have. As I noted in…
"Who do you say I am"
Bryce Dunn • Sermon • • 20 views
Answers Matter Sometimes the best way to learn about feel is to look at how you answer specific questions.... Whats the most important question anyone can ask? L Who is Jesus? In the beginning was bthe Word, and cthe Word was with God, and dthe Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 eAll…
Freedom: Justification by Faith
James Rogers • Sermon • • 29 views
Legalism has to go; Let grace lead the way
Building Belief
Ray Carter • Sermon • • 32 views
Historical Evidence of the Resurrection
The Resurrection
Raymond Ciervo, D.Min. • Sermon • • 10 views
Are the eyewitnesses credible?
Rev. Delwyn and Sis. Lenita Campbell • Rev. Delwyn X. Campbell Sr • Sermon • • 36 views
Prayer Blessed Lord, You have caused all Holy Scriptures to be written for our learning. Grant that we may so hear them, read, mark, learn, and take them to heart that, by the patience and comfort of Your holy Word, we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life. … through Jesus…
Freedom: Justification by Faith
James Rogers • Sermon • • 9 views
Paul's defence and introduction to Justification by Faith
He Is Worthy - Jesus In The Book of Acts
Pastor Isaiah Jesch • Nelsonville Assembly • Sermon • • 10 views • 32:33
As we continue in the Book of Acts, we find the power of God on display in healing and in the effective preaching of Peter, but the opposition of the religious leaders presents the disciples with a choice. From verses 1-22, Pastor Isaiah encourages us to understand well what was at sake and how the example of Peter and John is a model for us to be faithful disciples like them... people who refuse to stop talking about Jesus and His Gospel.
Bare Fruit
Pastor Georgia Harris • Next Movement Church • Sermon • • 28 views • 30:48
This video is the fourth installment of the Bare Fruit series. Listen in as we gain a foundation on the credibility of God's Word, as it pertains to the Kingdom Seed in the Heart of the Kingdom Seed in the heart of the Believer.