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Ordinary Time
Peter H. Davids • Peter H. Davids • Sermon • • 3 views
We live in a society in denial of our brokenness and our need for a corresponding other who brings us children. This denial makes us a divorcing society, repeatedly cutting off and repeatedly entering painful relationships. And that is why Jesus says no divorce as an act of love and says receive children because we have to get behind our wounds to come to God as our true other. So God became our true spouse by becoming truly embodied and suffering like us but in a redemptive way. This allows us to (1) pray for mercy on those who hurt us for I know that they are wounded, (2) make Jesus the model for how to deal with the wounds I have received and how to live with another wounded individual, and (3) accept Jesus as our ultimate spouse collectively in the church and individually for women religious, a spouse whose love is healing . All this starts with getting past our denial which is the start of repentance and taking our wounded selves to Jesus our truest other like me and allowing him to heal us.