(2 results)
Romans Series
John DeVries • The Christian Reformed Church of St. Joseph • Sermon • • 14 views • 42:05
Far to often, the church believes that the path of least resistance is the path of greatest health and of growing love for Christ, but it is as we place ourselves in harm's way for him that our love for him continues to grow. Standing faithfully for Christ in this world only increases our love and our testimony for him.
An Exposition of Ephesians
Ryan Martin • Columbiaville Baptist Church • Sermon • • 8 views • 55:52
Christian people should devote themselves to ardent prayer to God for their brothers and sisters in Christ. We depend upon God’s common grace for daily bread and provision, for health and life, and we depend upon his saving grace for spiritual health and vitality. How are we to do this? Paul explains this in two different ways.