(9 results)
Kendal Rasnake • West Point Road Church of Christ • Sermon • • 21 views • 26:25
This lesson is an example of how understanding the history of when the events of the Bible occurred will help us better understand what the Bible says. Specifically, this lesson looks at the history of special suppers and banquets.
Kendal Rasnake • West Point Road Church of Christ • Sermon • • 25 views • 31:03
How do we make ourselves a slave to our possessions? What can we learn from the parables about suppers?
Shawn Rickey • Sermon • • 5 views
Look, will you, at this picture. A man enters the code on the box, but the gate won’t open. He again enters the numbers, more slowly and deliberate. The gate again, does not open. He’s sure the code is correct. What could possibly be preventing the gate from opening? He looks at the box each time, and the message continually says “access denied”.
Entering or inheriting the kingdom of God is the privilege of those who acknowledge and live by the rule of God and have become part of His salvation and righteousness through Christ. Today I’ll show you scripturally if your religion is anything else, it is sheer futility.
The message title of this, is Entry to the Kingdom.
Boas Pircher • Sermon • • 3 views
Begrüßung Ich freue mich sehr hier zu euch sprechen zu dürfen, was für ein Privileg und große Wertschätzung für mich. Ich will das heute etwas anders machen, als wir uns so eine ganz normale Predigt vorstellen. Ich möchte euch zum mitdenken bringen. Ich möchte, dass ihr uns helft etwas erbauliches mitzunehmen,…
The Hope of Heaven
Mitch King • Sermon • • 33 views
Hell is a place of Eternal punishment and separation from God
Patton Shinall • Sermon • • 5 views
Jesus is the Light of the World who alone can save us from dying in our sins.
Latin Mass 2021
Rev. Brendan McGrath • Sermon • • 24 views • 8:40
PRESENTATION: St. Teresa’s terrifying vision of Hell St. Teresa of Avila is known to have experienced some of the most ecstatic experiences of God’s presence ever recorded, but she also received visions of the opposite. St. Teresa writes in her autobiography about a frightening vision she had of Hell…
Deliverance MInistry
Scott Wilson • Sermon • • 36 views
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Hiebert compares the cosmology of most Westerners with that of much of the rest of the world. Secular Westerners usually believe in a single-tiered (naturalistic) universe only. Christian Westerners typically believe in a two-tiered universe, with God and other supernatural forces inhabiting the upper story and human beings occupying the lower story
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 80 views • 42:45
Paradise. What a concept. What a word! What conjures up in your mind when you hear "Paradise"? The Lord through His angel gave John the Apostle-turned-prophet a tiny glimpse of Paradise. And not only him, but the Lord's angel gave another prophet a vision almost identical to what God gave John. Who was that prophet? Why did the Lord do this? And what is Paradise like, anyway? What will God's people be doing in Paradise for all eternity? Join the Grace United Crew as we delight and marvel at God's description and our very job description in Paradise.