(101 results)
Darryl James Sandford • Lighthouse • Sermon • • 31 views • 49:06
Intro Last week we studied what evil looks like, what evil people look like. We see that Gods Judgments are true and righteous. We talked about Moral suicide. Personally, up to and including globally. Romans does not mince words, it lays it out simply and is crystal clear. If the church in Rome had a…
The Book Of Zechariah
Robert Young • Jubilee Community Church • Sermon • • 18 views • 55:37
A Prophetic Warning for Modern America Introduction Zechariah 11 is a compelling chapter that delves into themes of leadership, judgment, and betrayal. Delivered to a people in transition, this prophecy uses vivid imagery and symbolism to communicate God’s message to Israel, particularly focusing on…
Scripture's Post Cards
Pastor Jed Johnston • A Place Of Grace • Sermon • • 1,036 views • 41:41
Proverbs 6:16-19 states in a very clear and powerful way this message: There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness…
John Radzikowski • First Community Church • Sermon • • 243 views • 30:05
Introduction Good morning and welcome to FCC where we worship God in Spirit and in Truth one verse at a time, one book at a time. To all those who served our great country we all wanted to say thank you! Thank you for laying your life down! Church, Freedom is not cheap, it cost man men and women their…
Wake Up Call
Russell Jeffares • Vintage Grace Church • Sermon • • 374 views • 40:42
Introduction Text: Ecclesiastes 9:1-12 But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Whether it is love or hate, man does not know; both are before him. It is the same for all, since the same event happens to the righteous and the…
Eternal questions from the minor prophets
James K. Chavis • CrossWay of Pembroke • Sermon • • 242 views • 56:57
How can I be happy? Good morning and welcome to CrossWay. Today's sermon, from the book of Habakkuk, is a continuation of our sermon series in the minor prophets titled, Eternal Questions From the Minor Prophets. Don’t let the word minor fool you. It merely means that the writings of these prophets,…
2 Peter: Spiritual Maturity... Knowledge, Grace, & Growth
Pastor Jed Johnston • A Place Of Grace • Sermon • • 117 views • 41:06
What is your concept of God? Is He a sweet grandpa in the sky sitting in His rocking chair on some cosmic porch? Do you see Him as a great cosmic bully, showing off His power at different times just because He can Are you thinking of Him more as an essence or feeling like love or goodness Maybe God to…
Micah - Walk Humbly
Dennis J Andrews • Mililani Baptist Church • Sermon • • 28 views • 39:07
Matthew 21:28-32
John Radzikowski • First Community Church • Sermon • • 29 views • 40:48
Creation, Fall, Consequences
Daniel Pelichowski • First Baptist Church of Gallatin • Sermon • • 33 views • 43:58
Genesis 5:1-6:8 (morning worship)
Sermon Details: After the fall mankind continued to get worse and progressed into more pervasive corruption by choosing to pursue sinful desires instead of walking with God.
Sermon Points:
#1 Generations of Death: Cain vs Seth’s offspring (Gen 5)
#2 From bad, to worse, to almost complete extermination (6:1-7)
#3 Grace, hope, and continuation through Noah (Genesis 6:8)
Preacher: Daniel Pelichowski
Rodney Prickett • Riddles Bend Baptist Church • Sermon • • 9 views • 31:17
Don’t go through the motions This is what the Lord says: Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool. What house could you possibly build for Me? And what place could be My home? My hand made all these things, and so they all came into being. This is the Lord ’s declaration. I will look favorably…
Minor Prophets: God Speaks
Pastor Gary • Rock Hall Glocal Methodist Charge • Sermon • • 58 views • 36:37
Obadiah was written ??? After the attack of the Babylonians led by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 on Israel. Accountable Love… Brothers had issues… growing up I saw him as always looking to get in trouble and he probably saw me as the favored one… I was the baby of the family so I guess he was right But I was…
Genesis 1-11 Noah and the Flood
Rodney Prickett • Riddles Bend Baptist Church • Sermon • • 149 views • 35:33
Strange Happenings When mankind began to multiply on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of mankind were beautiful, and they took any they chose as wives for themselves. And the Lord said, “My Spirit will not remain with mankind forever, because they are…
Robert Miles • Sermon • • 3 views
Adonai judges Babylon
Jake Davidson • Sermon • • 1 view
We are going to finish QUESTIONS : Can someone explain briefly the difference in premillennialism, Postmillennialism, and Amillennialism? What happens to Satan during the millenium period? What will the saints be doing during the millenium period? reigning with Christ Who will be resurrected during to…
KEVIN Arthur ATKINS • Sermon • • 4 views
Trying to see in the spirit with an obstruction in the way I was asked to install a device for a friend. It was simple enough and I knew that it would not take long. I went through the process of getting the equipment ready and placing my tools nearby. Everything was already mapped out in my head and…
Jake Davidson • Sermon • • 3 views
We are going to try cover chapter 16 tonight which contains all seven of the bowl judgements Review Questions: QUESTION : Who sang the song of Moses in chapter 15? The ones who refused to worship the beast QUESTION: What did they say about God even though they lost their lives being faithful to Him?…
Andrej Kraljik • Sermon • • 3 views
Rimanom 2 mládež Dnes sa pozrieme na Rimanom 2 a potom na záver si ešte povieme niečo o Zuzane Šimkaninovej alebo o Lady Zike. Rimanom 2, 1-16 1 Preto nech si ktokoľvek, keď súdiš, nemáš ospravedlnenie. Lebo v čom súdiš iného, v tom odsudzuješ samého seba, veď ty, ktorý súdiš, robíš to isté. 2 Vieme…
The Parables of Jesus
Dr. Bradford Reaves • Sermon • • 2 views
The Parable of the Unfruitful Fig Tree We are continuing our series of parables of Jesus. Whenever Jesus wanted to bring clarity to the truths of the Kingdom of God he used word pictures or illustrations called parables. The word parable means literally “to cast alongside.” In other words, the stories…
Jason Plumer • First Baptist Church Litchfield • Sermon • • 15 views
Nevertheless, He pays ... A woman once said to a French Cardinal, “My Lord Cardinal, God does not pay at the end of every week; nevertheless He pays.” Anonymous There is a deception believed by many that because God is silent he must be absent. Either he does not exist, or he does exists but he does…
The Epistle of Romans
Dr. Bradford Reaves • Sermon • • 2 views
Prophecy Updates The Israel War 1 O God, do not keep silence; do not hold your peace or be still, O God! 2 For behold, your enemies make an uproar; those who hate you have raised their heads. 3 They lay crafty plans against your people; they consult together against your treasured ones. 4 They say, “Come,…
Jesus in the Old Testament
Jason Alley • Sermon • • 0 views
God's judgment on Judah is surprising in its application. God will have compassion on whom He will have compassion, and his judgement or his restoration are in His hands, at the service of His will.
The Book of Jeremiah
Charles McKendree • Sermon • • 4 views
God has warned in love and now He judges in wrath.
Book of Jeremiah
Charles McKendree • Sermon • • 5 views
Just as God declares to the line of David, we will reap what we sow.