(13 results)
The Book of Acts
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 123 views
We can serve the Lord:
1. Through the ordinary routines of life (vs. 11-13).
2. Without the world's recognition (vs. 13-15).
3. Refreshed by fellow believers (vs. 13-15).
4. Reaching out for Jesus Christ (vs. 16-20).
The Book of Acts
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 107 views
Someday, we will find ourselves in a storm just as serious as Paul faced here, but we can look into the Word of God and find out what to do:
1. Try to miss the storms.
2. Try to manage the storms.
3. Trust God to take us through the storms.
The Book of Acts
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 100 views
Here's what to do in the storms:
1. Reemphasize your relationship with the Lord (vs. 20-25).
2. Be persistent in your prayers (vs. 27-29).
3. Pursue God's plan for your life (vs. 30-32).
4. Make an effort to encourage other people (vs. 21-25; 33-38).
5. Rely on God's ability to rescue you (vs. 39-44).
The Book of Acts
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 1,080 views
What should we do?
1. Be grateful to God (vs. 1-2; 10).
2. Have servant hearts (vs. 3).
3. Strongly trust in our Savior (vs. 3-5).
4. Give the glory to God (vs. 5-6).
5. Be a blessing to other people (vs. 7-9).
The Book of Acts
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 113 views
How can we go forward?
1. Keep speaking about our Savior (vs. 20-23).
2. Keep studying the Scripture (vs. 23).
3. Keep believing that some will be saved (vs. 24-29).
4. Boldly keep striving to serve the Lord (vs. 30-31).
The Book of Acts
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 494 views
How can we move forward for the Lord?
1. Be faithful to fulfill our responsibility (vs. 1-2).
2. Take advantage of every opportunity (vs. 1-3).
3. Fully trust in God's sovereignty (vs. 3-8).
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 56 views
1. Hunt for opportunities to share (26:1-2).
2. Get a happy attitude about sharing (26:2).
3. Be hospitable in every situation (26:1-4).
4. Keep living in the hope of God's promise (26:4-8).
5. Be honest about who you are (26:9-11).
The Book of Acts
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 48 views
God’s Word gives us 4 pieces of evidence:
1. Being rejected by those who hate Jesus (vs. 1-9).
2. Living with great hope (vs. 10-15).
3. Striving for the highest standards (vs. 16; 18-21).
4. Giving with a generous heart (vs. 17).
The Book of Acts
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 46 views
Christians: God will help us...
1. walk in good works (vs. 19-20).
2. make it through our trials (vs. 21).
3. take a stand for our Savior (vs. 22-23).
4. love the unlovely (vs. 24-26).
The Book of Acts
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 220 views
1. Trust the Lord to comfort you.
2. Ask the Lord for more commitment to His cause.
3. Ask the Lord for the courage to do the right thing.
4. Do whatever you can to help.
5. Trust the Lord to take care of you.
The Book of Acts
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 50 views
Victorious Christians...
1. Believe the Bible (vs. 22-27).
2. Recognize the danger of rejecting Jesus (vs. 28-29).
3. Are undefeated by unfairness in life (vs. 30-32).
The Book of Acts
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 23 views
1. Talk about your life before you met the Lord (vs. 4-5; 9-11).
2. Mention how God got your attention (vs. 12-13).
3. Share what the Lord has said to you (vs. 14-16).
4. Bring up the basics of the gospel (vs. 17-23).
5. Talk about your walk with the Lord (vs. 16; 19-20).
The Book of Acts
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 161 views
1. Keep embracing the truth (Acts 24:22-25).
2. Keep helping people escape the tragedy (Acts 24:25-27).
3. Keep expanding your trust in God (Acts 24:27-25:12).