(5 results)
1 Corinthians: "Life Under Grace"
Austin Prince • Sermon • • 3 views
ASO - next Sunday - 10 tix remaining so invite a friend! We’re adding a week to our letter train for Savannah. We need 2-3 people to participate this week so let me know if you’d like to do that. Submit new questions for our “COG in The Wheel” newsletter †CALL TO WORSHIP Hebrews 12:28-29 Steven Hoffer,…
Richard Eng • Sermon • • 28 views
Hook Of all of the things we look at, the hardest things to see are those which are familiar. We can’t see it because it’s “supposed” to be there. We forget to pay attention, to re-appreciate and rediscover. The older I get, the more I see how important it was when my dad would play with me as a kid,…
1 Corinthians: "Life Under Grace"
Austin Prince • Sermon • • 1 view
“ And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied. But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits…
Bible Study
Joel Hayworth • Sermon • • 13 views
Introduction Welcome/ Announcements Prayer Requests Holy Week Breakdown : 2000 years ago, Jesus has entered Jerusalem, cleared the temple, given the Olivet discourse in Matthew 24-25 . On Wednesday He was teaching in the Temple while the powers that be plotted to kill Him. Tomorrow will be the Last Supper…