(30 results)
New Life in Christ Sunday Sermons
Pastor Phil Ramsey • New Life in Christ Church of Cedar Creek • Sermon • • 7 views • 53:02
New Life in Christ Sunday Sermons
Pastor Phil Ramsey • New Life in Christ Church of Cedar Creek • Sermon • • 15 views • 54:54
New Life in Christ Sunday Sermons
Pastor Phil Ramsey • New Life in Christ Church of Cedar Creek • Sermon • • 9 views • 40:49
Guest: Clyde Smith • NorthPointe Church of God - Nacogdoches, TX • Sermon • • 17 views • 22:54
Life is difficult, filled with pain, struggles and hard times. The Scriptures encourages Christians to be joyful always, even in the difficult times. How can we not only experience more joy in our lives, but also encourage others to know joy as well? Through his personal testimonies, Clyde shares the importance of our relationships with with Jesus and with others.
Cory Collins • Keller Church of Christ • Sermon • • 19 views
With a broken heart Jeremiah begged God's people to repent. Then he angered them by telling them to surrender. He was threatened, tried for his life, put in stocks and thrown into a pit. His book was burned. He also promised future hope and a new covenant. Through it all he persevered by faith!
Rev. Bruce Goettsche • Union Church of La Harpe Illinois • Sermon • • 82 views
I am frequently befuddled by people who talk to me about a message that I’ve preached as they explain what they “got out” of the message. I am startled because often what they heard and what I thought I was saying were two entirely different things. I’ve enjoyed a series of comics from the Non Sequitur…
1 Thessalonians
Rev. Bruce Goettsche • Union Church of La Harpe Illinois • Sermon • • 332 views
Do you generally read to the end of a letter that is written to you? That probably depends. If the letter is from someone looking for money you may not even read the first line before pitching it into the garbage. However, if the letter is from someone important to you, you will read every last word.…
Telling the Story: Key Events in the Christian Calendar
Tyler Robbins • Sleater Kinney Road Baptist Church • Sermon • • 8 views
The global church celebrates the account of Jesus' transfiguration to remember who He is, and the Father's public testimony to His Son. If you've pledged allegiance to Christ, are you listening to Him? Pastor Tyler preaches from Mark 9:2-8.
1 Thessalonians
Rev. Bruce Goettsche • Union Church of La Harpe Illinois • Sermon • • 265 views
In the book and movie the DaVinci Code, midway through the book there is a charge that the church has pulled off the greatest hoax in history. The contention in the book, movie (and now a host of copycat books) is that the Emperor Constantine “created” the Christian faith, as we know it. He suppressed…
1 Peter
Rev. Bruce Goettsche • Union Church of La Harpe Illinois • Sermon • • 411 views
Life is not easy. You may feel like things are going along pretty well and then suddenly, like the flip of a switch, life changes, You get a troubling call from a Doctor You are told the company is downsizing and you are left out Someone you thought was your friend turns on you There is an accident Someone…
1 Peter
Rev. Bruce Goettsche • Union Church of La Harpe Illinois • Sermon • • 132 views
There are some texts in the Bible that are harder to understand than others. This morning we face one of the most difficult. Even Martin Luther the great Bible teacher said, “This is a strange text and certainly a more obscure passage than any other passage in the New Testament. I still do not know for…
Rev. Bruce Goettsche • Union Church of La Harpe Illinois • Sermon • • 223 views
When traveling I always groan when I see one of those road signs that says: “Road Construction Ahead – Expect Delays”. I don’t want to be delayed – I want to get to the destination and the sooner the better. I have a tendency to get impatient and maybe a bit cranky in these situations. It’s funny though,…
1 Peter
Rev. Bruce Goettsche • Union Church of La Harpe Illinois • Sermon • • 1,931 views
1 Peter is a book about hope. We need this hope because as you look around you see a number of people who seem hopeless. At best, they seem to just be “going through the motions” in life. At worst, they are filled with despair. It is easy to be hopeless as we focus on planes crashing, out of control…
Rev. Bruce Goettsche • Union Church of La Harpe Illinois • Sermon • • 1,759 views
Today we begin a new study in the Book of James. Many scholars believe this was the first New Testament book to be written. James almost certainly was a half-brother of our Lord, a child of Joseph and Mary. (Matt. 13:55; Mark 6:3) As Jesus was growing up, the Bible tells us that his siblings did not…
1 John
Rev. Bruce Goettsche • Union Church of La Harpe Illinois • Sermon • • 214 views
Much of the time truth is found in finding the balance between competing ideas. For example, Parental Love = Unqualified love – consistent discipline Good worker= one who works quickly – but is also careful The way of salvation = involves God’s Sovereignty--Man’s Responsibility Good athlete = someone…
Michael Stark • Sermon • • 37 views
“I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.” [1] The Apostle has emphasised a concept that is not often welcomed today—hardship. Directing student ministries at a major pastoral school some years past, I often emphasised…
Bobby Earls • Sermon • • 336 views
TEXT: I Corinthians 9:24-27 TOPIC: The Christian Race Pastor Bobby Earls, First Baptist Church, Center Point, Alabama The Ultimate Reality Community Worship Series, Center Crest Baptist Church, July 9, 2006 (Portions of this message adapted from a similar sermon by Dr. James Merritt) This evening we…
Frank Walker • Sermon • • 46 views
Our subject today is the doctrine of assurance. We call ourselves Christians. For some of us that have grown up in Christian homes, that’s all we’ve ever known. But how do we know that we’re really saved? How do we know that what’s true for others is true for us? Some Christians believe that anyone who…
David Madden • Sermon • • 42 views
In Danger of Drifting Hebrews 2:1-4 Big Idea: We must adhere strongly to the message of salvation given to us by God through Jesus. I. Introduction A. Fishing in my Grandma’s boat 1. Growing up in Michigan 2. Fishing from the dock 3. Going out on aluminum row boat with a cousin 4. After fishing for some…
David Madden • Sermon • • 40 views
1 Peter 1 Sermon “The Trinity at Work” Big Idea: We rejoice in the work of the Trinity in salvation. I. Introduction A. Reasons to rejoice – circumstantial or eternal? B. Where can we find joy? In what can we rejoice? II. Transition A. Read 1 Peter 1:3-12 B. This section of Scripture is a wonderful doxology…
Rob Tevis • Sermon • • 1,526 views
Having Healthy Faith: the Book of James When you Face Trials & Temptations… James 1:1-8 Today, we are going to embark on an 18 week journey through a little book in the back of your Bible – the book of James. It is a book that is only five chapters long, but packs a huge punch as “the Proverbs of the…
Jeff Stephens • Sermon • • 3 views
Col. 1:9-12 Purposeful praying Paul is overjoyed at hearing the faith of the believers. Their faith is expressed, demonstrated by their acts of love towards one another. THey are walking in the Spirit and so Paul prays for them. This prayer is an example of praying in the Spirit that others would be…
Sermon • • 195 views
Hold On For Just A Little While Longer (Part I) James 5:7-8 In the movie Click, Michael Newman (played by Adam Sandler) is given a true "universal" remote control. This “universal” remote control has the power to influence real life. With this “universal” remote control, Michael can mute peoples' voices,…
Mike Berland • Sermon • • 43 views
Have you ever felt like giving up? Have you ever had a job that grated on your nerves so much that the worst part about Monday morning was having to go to work? Was their ever a time in your marriage when you felt like throwing in the towel; where the rewards were not worth the effort and you wanted…