(5 results)
Mother's Day
Delaine Bailey • Grace Baptist Fellowship • Sermon • • 7 views • 34:03
Less is More
Brian Magnuson • Vaughn Hill Church • Sermon • • 356 views • 26:25
We live in a world that constantly tells us that it is all about us. That you have to reach the top no matter who you have to push out of the way. When we look at scripture and the life of Christ, we see a very different way of life. We see our Savior the grreatest of all, putting people above himself, and being humble even though he had the power.
Brian Magnuson • Vaughn Hill Church • Sermon • • 12 views • 24:30
This is the first in a series looking at the idea that we need to renew our thinking. So often culture can slip into our thinking and the everyday can become such routine that if we are not careful we can find ourselves further away from the way we are supposed to do things. In a world where war seems normal, where people give death threats to players for making mistakes, and where a court room can cheer for the death of babies, we must take a moment to renew ourselves and say things have slid too far. We must look to Christ and let Him be our measuring guide.
The Corinthian Correspondence
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 17 views • 45:41
God told his people, "I will do a new thing." What is that "new thing?" Why, it's none other than the "New Covenant"! Christians, amazingly are part of the New Covenant, even though he promised his people through his prophet that he would establish a New Covenant with his chosen people, the Jews. Jesus said at what we call the "Last Supper"--"take this and drink it, for this is the New Covenant in my blood . . ." So, what exactly IS the New Covenant? How does it change one's relationship with Almighty God? Come with the Grace United crew as we discover the wonders of the Glorious New Covenant.
Oliver W. Wells • CTKLIFE • Sermon • • 83 views • 47:25
Paul lifted up Epaphroditus to the Philippian Church as a person to emulate. Pastor Wells spotlights this type of Jesus Christ as an example.