(3 results)
Lord's Supper
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 156 views • 30:57
"I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth . . ." is how one introduces his or her testimony in a court of law. It is his or witness to the truth as they saw it. When a testimony is given, what comes out sometimes costs the witness his or her life. What was the testimony of Jesus. He said, "For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world." What was this purpose? What was his testimony? And what did it cost him to declare it? Come with the Grace United crew as we discover the testimony of Jesus--the very reason he was born.
New Year
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 227 views • 46:42
Hope demonstrated--that's what Paul wrote about in his joy-filled letter to the Philippians. Obedience. Contentment. And THRPLGREP are all a part of a Christian's demonstration of hope. We understand obedience to the Lord out of gratitude for his salvation. And the glorious way we can rest contented in him regardless of what life throws at us - like Covid. But THRPLGREP? What in that world is that? Come with the Grace United crew as we discover more about how to face 2021 filled with hope--as the Lord defines it.
The Corinthian Correspondence
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 52 views • 53:27
Life is full of tests. For most of us, tests are to be shunned, while others don't seem to mind so much. And those who don't mind are the ones who are prepared to take their tests. But like it or not, there is a test that every person on the planet must take. And pass. Eternity lliterally hangs in the balance. What is that test? How does one prepare for it? Most importantly how does one pass the test? Come with the Grace United crew as we discover, prepare for, and pass the only test that really matters.