(4 results)
Stand Alone: Halloween
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 31 views • 47:03
October 31 is . . . Reformation Day! But how many observe it? What we as Americans observe is, and what we have been preparing for, which seems like weeks, is . . . Halloween. Did you know that "Halloween" has Christian roots? How so? And how far back does it go? And why is there so much focus on death on October 31? What is it all about? Come with the Grace United crew as we discover the bad, the good and the glorious elements of Halloween.
The Corinthian Correspondence
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 414 views • 49:17
For anyone to claim that the church doesn't have problems with sin have been living under a rock for 2000 years. It is true to a certain extent, that all sin is alike to God. But incest with their "father's wife"? Back in "the day" this was looked on as unthinkable, even among those living in the culture known for rampant sexual immorality. How to handle it? And how are Christians supposed to handle sin in non-Christian culture anyway? Come with the Grace United crew as we seek to discover what a wordly church is like and how to avoid trying to make the world "churchy".
The Gospel According to Moses
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 28 views • 37:25
"These are the words . . ." so begins Deuteronomy, which in the Hebrew Bible is the actual title of this book. What words did Moses speak to the hundreds of thousands who at that time made up the nation of Israel? Words of reminder. Words of rebuke. Implied words of hope and of the faithfulness of the Lord. Is there a lesson for us today as followers of Christ, in one of the books of the Law of God? Come with the Grace United crew as we hear Moses' opening words to his people.
Jeremy Stephens • Sermon • • 10 views
1) 2-17-08…AM…SBC “When Holiness Becomes Perfect” Selected Scriptures Introduction: Looking forward to something in the future Ø expectant mothers What do you look forward to? Ø summer bible camp Ø summer vacations Proposition: The Questions today is simply this – What are you looking forward to?