(5 results)
Christ Chapel • Sermon • • 6 views
In my own personal bible study and devotional time, I have been challenged to dig a little into the minor prophets. Most of us know the story of Jonah. But what do we know about Joel, Micah, or Zechariah? There are others that may get a glance in reading as we seek to understand Israel’s fall, exile…
Rocky carpenter • Sermon • • 2 views
“The Prophet’s Plea” Chapter 7 begins with the Lord showing Amos, 3 of the 5 judgments He wants to impose upon Israel. Amos immediately begins to interceed on Israel’s behalf. Not knowing whether God will grant: I. Mercy or Judgment! vs. 1-9 A. The Grasshopper Judgment! vs. 1-3 B. The Fire Judgment!…
Theme 2022: The Church and Its Faith, What gives Jesus Justification to tell me anything?
Walter Laidler • Sermon • • 4 views
What gives Jesus justification to tell me anything?
Majoring in the Minors
Michael Morse • Calvary Chapel Redeeming Grace • Sermon • • 43 views • unknown
Introduction Measurements are used for many different methods and purposes - but the one thing all measurements are for is to measure up. To see how something compares. When building something the measurement standard matters and therefore the measurement distinguishes between that which fits and that…
Minor Prophets
Travis Tyler • Elizabethton Grace Baptist Church • Sermon • • 7 views • 25:46
Amos 7
God's Plumb Line
August 11, 2019