(10 results)
Pastor Steve Howell • United Methodist Church • Sermon • • 3 views • 33:44
Rejoicing Through Revelation
Dr. CJ Walker • Broomfield Baptist • Sermon • • 85 views • 51:07
“But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.”
Shannon Watterson • Sermon • • 1 view
There was once a prophet named Jeremiah who was commanded by God to bring a message to God’s people. He was promised that the Lord would give him something to say to the people of Israel. My prayer in preparation to this message is that the Spirit of God would speak to your heart. It’s not an accident…
Curtis Pryor • Sermon • • 16 views
God is the Potter ... you are the clay; submit to His intense molding and shaping as He forms of you just the right vessel for His purposes.
What sort of a vessel are you?
Paul Mahler • Sermon • • 515 views • 43:47
We must exercise spiritual discernment and be careful that we are vessels sanctified unto honor.
2 Timothy: Passing on an Entrusted Faith, 2 Timothy 2:2
Richard Bickings • Sermon • • 323 views
Seek to be an honorable verssel for the master's use.
The Garden
Kevin Elworth • Sermon • • 9 views • 1:14:09
Genesis 2:2-25 NIV - Where the series came from INTRO- me/we: The most amazing place on earth. / Intro the series- Purpose. Proximity, but ultimately, you are seeking peace. Phil4:6 - peace that passes all understanding that will guard your heart and mind in Christ Fear of’ I MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO AVOID…
Pastor Scott Onque • Sermon • • 34 views
The comparison of God's people to moldable clay
I Am Not Ashamed
David Krueger • Sermon • • 63 views
Is God being unfair because He is being too generous to some and not all? Paul says, “no”.
Book of Romans
Steve Bainbridge • The Mill Christian Fellowship • Sermon • • 34 views
As the Christian starts to understand the concept of the potter and the clay, they realize that the right of sonship has less to do with the vessel which was prepared for honourable use and more to do with the potter who fashioned it for such a purpose. He is our Father, the potter; and all of us are the work of His sovereign hand.