(5 results)
The Gospel of Matthew
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 39 views
The temptation of Jesus teaches us:
1. About the leadership of God's Spirit (vs. 1).
2. About the righteousness of our Savior (vs. 1-4).
3. About the power of Scripture (vs. 3-10).
4. About God providing new strength (vs. 11).
The Gospel of John
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 49 views
How can we bear more fruit for our Heavenly Father? -- Only by Jesus working in us and through us!
1. He is the essential connection (vs. 1-2, 4-6).
2. He gives us the essential cleansing (vs. 2-3).
3. He gives us an essential command (vs. 4).
4. He gives us an extraordinary commitment (vs. 7).
The Book of Romans
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 41 views
We must...
1. Put God’s purposes over pleasing ourselves (vs. 1-3).
2. Let the Word of God work in our lives (vs. 3-4).
3. Seek Christlike harmony in God's Church (vs. 5-6).
4. Receive one another, just as Jesus received us (vs. 7).
The Book of Romans
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 28 views
We must recognize:
1. The greatness of God's strict justice (vs. 22-23).
2. The greatness of God's Scripture (vs. 24-29).
3. The greatness of God's salvation (vs. 30-32).
4. The greatness of God's supremacy (vs. 33-36).
The Book of Romans
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 82 views
We know that God is great...
1. Because His gifts are great (vs. 1-5).
2. Because His Word can save our souls (vs. 6-7).
3. Because His promises will come to pass (vs. 8-9).