(3 results)
Advent 2021
Lee Corpier • Salem UMC - Springtown, PA • Sermon • • 36 views • 25:04
John the Baptist’s father, Zacharias prophesied of Jesus and his son. He called the messenger of the covenant, a horn of salvation A horn signifies honor, plenty, and strength. A horn of salvation – an honorable and mighty Savior. This Savior rescues his people from their enemies, shows mercy remembering…
Jonathan Anderson • Faith Baptist Church • Sermon • • 59 views • 56:50
About 12 years ago, when we first got to the church- I took over the job of mowing the lawn. We have about 5 acres of grass to mow and back then all the church had was a regular riding lawn mower. It was an OK mower for a normal home with a about an acre or less of grass to mow. But, it took over eight…
I'm Convinced
Isaac Soto • Sermon • • 570 views
God is King overall and He is a jealous God. Do not reject God as king over your life, but remember His goodness and what He has done for you. Perfect holiness by means of being dependent of God's grace mediated through the Spirit of holiness. Being convinced of Christ's death that we no longer live for ourseleves but for Him who died for us.