(9 results)
Stand Alone: Re-Start
Derek Slack • Central Park Christian Church Topeka • Sermon • • 144 views • 39:39
4 And when he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” 5 And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.” 6 And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish, and…
Greg Woolf • Connect Church • Sermon • • 30 views • 32:48
We are in week four of our series that is on the Book of Matthew. We are still in the beginning stages of Jesus ministry. Last week we looked at the temptation of Jesus. Today, I want to look at the mission of Jesus. I believe He has a three fold mission on what He came to do. I believe we see a glimpse…
Savoring the Psalter
Dr. CJ Walker • Broomfield Baptist • Sermon • • 259 views • 59:58
What is it that you have learned about your glorious, saving, reviving, refining, prayer-answering God? Then tell that to others who need to hear what He has done!
Empty to Filled
Thorsten Evans • Crossroads Christian Church • Sermon • • 52 views
Are you empty this morning? Does it feel like things are empty? I want to suggest this morning that empty might just be right where God needs you to be. The problem with empty is that we feel like we need to fill it. Let me say that again…the problem with empty is that we feel like WE need to fill it.…
Kingdom Parables
Phil Devaney • Sermon • • 27 views
In the Bible there are various genres of literature. There are portions that are narrative such as the historical books of both the O.T. and the N.T. There are portions that are poetic in nature, such as The Psalms and Proverbs, as well as much of the prophetic writings. There are sections that are prose…
Follow Me
Ron Crum • New Family Assembly of God • Sermon • • 15 views
God is using us to drag His gospel net through the nations of this world to win souls.
Who's Your One
Chris Noggle • Calvary Baptist Church • Sermon • • 15 views • 1:02:31
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 594 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease A woman who stalled at the corner watched the traffic light go from red to yellow to green, and again, red, yellow, green. After several times a policeman went up to the side of the car and said politely, "What's the matter lady, ain't we got any colors you like?" She didn't have…