(5 results)

2023 Summer in Romans
Pastor Dave Collett • Sermon • • 20 views • 30:56
Saved, Sanctified and Too Holy for Holidays Those of us who know Jesus as Savior and Lord, who know the infilling power of the Holy Spirit, who have submitted ourselves and surrendered ourselves to God and have tasted the blessings of holiness have a special responsibility to others. But it is not the…
Jonathan Klein • Sermon • • 30 views
Allein Gott die Ehre Begrüßung Auch von mir einen schönen Guten Morgen. Ich freue mich, dass ich wieder einmal hier vorne stehen darf. Bevor wir zur eigentlichen Predigtteil kommen, will ich euch kurz in relativ aktuelles Tagesgeschehen mit hineinnehmen. Einige werden das vielleicht mitbekommen haben,…
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Joel Kolb • Spring City Fellowship • Sermon • • 7 views
What is true religion? Religion is notoriously difficult to define. James is using a word here that is not often used in the Bible, but is frequently seen in Greek literature to refer to people who are zealous for a particular deity. That is the essence of religion - devoting yourself to a higher being and a higher purpose. James says that the marks of true religion - devotion to the One True God - are an active faith, a sustainable life of service, and a genuine attitude of humility.

Jim L. Wilson • Sermon • • 19 views
Luke 2:1-20 I know that there are some in the Christian community who argue that Christians should not celebrate Christmas by decorating a tree and exchanging gifts. They say that there is no record that the early church ever celebrated the holiday, and there is no proof that Jesus was really born on…