(2 results)
David Martin • International Baptist church of Cologne • Sermon • • 23 views • 48:56
Doing good to your enemy is evidence of God's genuine love in the believer, resulting in the fruit of righteousness for them, while exposing the guilt and shame in the heart of the unbeliever, thus leading them to repentance.
David Martin • International Baptist church of Cologne • Sermon • • 124 views • 46:24
The authencity of our faith in Christ is demonstrated by the way we show real, tangible, brotherly, affectionate love to one another.
Love for one another is something God must do in us. We can not force it but we can recognize our need and ask for it.
The way we can honor one another is by eagerly, selflessly, humbly serving each other with the spiritual gifts God has given us.
How can you show affectionate, brotherly love to your fellow Christian? What has God given you to share with others?