(77 results)

Footsteps of Jesus
Jesse Hammonds • First Baptist Church Three Rivers • Sermon • • 36 views • 49:22
Today we come to one of the most gripping stories of Jesus’ ministry. As Jesus is getting ready to leave Judea and make his way north to Galilee, he makes plans to pass through Samaria, which is a direct route, but Jews didn’t pass through Samaria. It isn’t until you get to verse nine that you get a…

So that you may believe - Gospel of John
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 39 views • 1:15:05
Intentional Jesus was very intentional in the things he did. John was very intentional in the things he wrote, recorded about what Jesus said and did. In this chapter, this is part I and we will focus on setting the stage so you can see the intentionality John used to make some important points about…

So that you may believe- Gospel of John
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 38 views • 55:27
Impact! We are using Jesus example of personal evangelism with the Samaritan woman and today we will continue, His interaction, His impact, led to realization and activation! Previously we have seen Unlikely things Unlikely place, unlikely time, unlikely person, unlikely conversation A physical need…

So that you may believe - Gospel of John
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 42 views • 1:00:57
Jesus and personal Evangelism We have been looking at Jesus and His example of personal evangelism. And have covered much territory. So, again, some reminders before we get to the results. Because of divine we have seen some unlikely things (4:4) Jn4:4 “4 And He had to pass through Samaria.” Briefly…

John Beene • Greater Houston Church • Sermon • • 34 views • 33:17
In Who Will Jesus Honor, the lessons compares Nicodemus to the Samaritan woman to see the grace Jesus uses to honor.

The Gospel of John
Ian Mitchel • Burleigh Church of Christ • Sermon • • 10 views • 35:26
Jesus is not known for playing it safe. His encounter at an ancient well in a foreign country was not played safe, either. Join Ian as he describes how Jesus used this encounter to smash down walls of prejudice, self-protection, and ignorance so that anyone could come to him.

Society's Malfunction
Dr. Phil Nordin • Compass Church Richmond • Sermon • • 46 views • 44:06
Compass Church welcomes Dr. Phil Nordin, who delivers a timely message around Jesus' interaction with the Samaritan woman at Jacob's Well.

Living on Mission
Floyd Zeurcher • FHCC • Sermon • • 17 views • 48:04
John 4 reveals an OBLIGATION to the Samaritans, a MOTIVATION to be about the Father's Business, and an OBSERVATION that the fields are ready for harvest.

How I Met Jesus
Jeremy Norton • Mountainview Church Whitehorse • Sermon • • 884 views • 31:24
Think about a town nearby. If you were to send someone to evangelize that town, who would you choose? What education and experience should they have? What about their background and character? Would you choose a broken woman with a shady past? Not likely, but Jesus did. Today we unpack John 4 and Jesus' encounter with an unlikely candidate to evangelize a local town.

Lessons in Joshua
Dave Palmer • Point of Grace Fellowship • Sermon • • 31 views • 45:06

Janet Stovall; Cynthia Johnson; Dea. Reggie Blue; Dea. Frank Johnson; Darren Hill • Tabernacle Baptist Church/Empowerment Center • Sermon • • 217 views • 56:52

John 4:1-42
Chad Williams • Parkers Lake Baptist Church • Sermon • • 29 views • 56:37

That You May Believe: The Gospel of John
Trent Bullard • CrossWay of Pembroke • Sermon • • 21 views • 48:21
The grace of God levels the playing field of improbability.

How I Met Jesus
Jeremy Norton • Mountainview Church Whitehorse • Sermon • • 291 views • 29:25
Think about a town nearby. If you were to send someone to evangelize that town, who would you choose? What education and experience should they have? What about their background and character? Would you choose a broken woman with a shady past? Not likely, but Jesus did. Today we unpack John 4 and Jesus' encounter with an unlikely candidate to evangelize a local town.

Pastor Gary • Rock Hall Glocal Methodist Charge • Sermon • • 119 views • 36:51
I just want to remind everyone what we are about here at ..... our goal is for every member of our church, having experienced the real presence and power of God, will move out of our churches and into our community in loving service in order to see God glorified in the homes and lives of our neighbors…

Reframing Jesus
Aaron Bauer • Issaquah Christian Church • Sermon • • 19 views • 54:14

Pastor Alex Jackson • Fresh Church • Sermon • • 28 views • 1:13:21
In this sermon, Pastor Alex continued his series on FORWARD. This week, Pastor Alex took the R in forward and preached on Realness. From John 4:31-34, Pastor Alex preached from the title "Real Food". Jesus said His food was to do the will of God. Pastor Alex talked about 3 things we must do to be Real going Forward.
1. Realize You Are Unhealthy
2. Release the Junk
3. Revisit the Doctor
Listen and Be Blessed!
Todd Riddick • Sermon • • 2 views
Good morning, I bet you thought you were done with me last week. Announcements Thank VBS Workers Family worship night ice cream 6 concert 6:30 Divorce Care Sign up on website Baptism Class Sign up on website Intro It is hard to believe but we are already about half way through summer break. The band…
Joseph Carty • Auburn SDA Church • Sermon • • 5 views
Jesus takes time to have a very powerful conversation with a Samaritan woman. In the eyes of the disciples, she would have been unworthy to chat with. Even in the eyes of those from her own city she was a woman with a bad reputation. But Jesus saw in her potential for a great missionary. She proved to be just what he thought. She won her whole city for Jesus.
Peter H. Davids • Peter H. Davids • Sermon • • 11 views
Like Israel and the Samaritan woman we often long for what we think is the water we need and ignore God. Jesus meets us, in a type in the wilderness, in person in John, shows us our deeper need, reveals himself and true worship as the solution, and fills us with the bread of life and the water of life. We have to watch out for deceptive longings, too, and rather focus on Jesus and eucharistic worship.
안성식 • Sermon • • 33 views
제목 : 우물가의 여인 본문: 요 4:42 오늘 살펴볼 말씀의 마지막 구절을 본문으로 읽겠습니다. ( 요4:42 ) 그 여자에게 이르되, 이제 우리가 믿는 것은 네 말 때문이 아니니 이는 우리가 직접 그분의 말을 들었고 이분께서 참으로 세상의 구원자 그리스도이신 줄 알기 때문이라, 하였더라. And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ,…
Daniel Brown Potter • Sermon • • 4 views
Christian Story and the Human Heart Good morning church, God Will Save His People If you were with us last week you remember that we took a 30,000 foot view of the story of the OT and the promise that God would save His people. This promise was that the seed of the woman would crush the head of the serpent.…