(52 results)
Bridge Builders
Connect Church • Sermon • • 86 views • 31:17
Last week we started a series called bridge builders. We learned that it takes the right blueprints to build a bridge and that bridge be successful. Today we want to look at the next process and that is having the right tools for the project. During the American Revolution, a man in civilian clothes…
Witness to the world: Book of Acts
James Rogers • Sermon • • 63 views • 57:51
Conversion of Samaritans Oftentimes growth happens in the midst of, or as a result of, difficult times. From a local church to a persecuted church in which God uses to disburse the believers to carry the message out. Controversy brought persecution (Act4:1-3) Persecution increased and got personal (Act4:21;…
The Church: Origin and Purpose
Marcus W. McDaniel • First Baptist Church of Hoquiam • Sermon • • 92 views • 47:11
The unusual God we serve Does God do weird stuff? Yes. He sets up rules that govern our lives and then he breaks those rules to get our attention. The Flood The tower of Babel The plagues of Egypt Speaks through a Donkey David and Goliath Elijah taken by a fiery Chariot Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego…
Witness to the world: Book of Acts
James Rogers • Sermon • • 38 views • 1:02:38
Impact of conversion The gospel is being carried out, from Jerusalem and all of Judea now to Samaria and we have seen the results. Philip preached Christ, people were convinced (Act8:5-6) So the scattered church because of persecution brings Philip one of the 7 to Samaria and there Philip preaches Jesus.…
I Will Build My Church: Luke & Acts Series
Pastor Jed Johnston • A Place Of Grace • Sermon • • 71 views • 52:56
Matthew 28:18-20 States for us the passage we like to title “the great commission” it reads... And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the…
Jonathan Anderson • Faith Baptist Church • Sermon • • 186 views • 36:24
What things in life delight you? What do you live for? What is it in this life that fills you with satisfaction? A freshly brewed cup of coffee in the morning, sitting down in the quiet of the early morning, reading my bible and letting the Word of Christ dwell in my heart richly. Walking out to my garden,…
Jonathan Anderson • Faith Baptist Church • Sermon • • 161 views • 37:44
It was thanksgiving break of my freshman year of college. God had done a marvelous work in my heart that first semester of Bible college. For the first time I was really walking with Christ and I had a desire to share this amazing personal relationship with other people. I wanted others to know how incredible…
Barry Troyer • Park City Baptist Church, Park City, MT • Sermon • • 21 views • 31:37
Have you ever wondered how you could change the world? Some think changing the world only comes through politics while others believe it comes through religious devotion. Pastor Barry walks us through the encounter Jesus had with the Samaritan woman. Notice how Jesus engages with this woman, tells her the truth and points to the way. Simple conversations have the ability to change peoples' lives if we would slow down and pay attention.
Contagious Christians
Dan Chambers • Church of Christ, Cumbernauld • Sermon • • 2 views • 48:09
How I Met Jesus
Jeremy Norton • Mountainview Church Whitehorse • Sermon • • 884 views • 31:24
Think about a town nearby. If you were to send someone to evangelize that town, who would you choose? What education and experience should they have? What about their background and character? Would you choose a broken woman with a shady past? Not likely, but Jesus did. Today we unpack John 4 and Jesus' encounter with an unlikely candidate to evangelize a local town.
LL Clay • NorthPointe Church of God - Nacogdoches, TX • Sermon • • 23 views • 31:25
Learn the back story to the conflict between the Samaritans and the Jews in Jesus' day. When you understand the history of the conflict, you will see more clearly the Gospel accounts of Jesus' ministry in the land of Samaria. Jesus constantly demonstrated care for those the world had rejected. And He still does today!
Check it out further, watch for free "The Chosen" Season 1, Episode 8 & Season 2, Episode 1 at These two episodes go into detail Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman and His ministry to Samaria.
How I Met Jesus
Jeremy Norton • Mountainview Church Whitehorse • Sermon • • 291 views • 29:25
Think about a town nearby. If you were to send someone to evangelize that town, who would you choose? What education and experience should they have? What about their background and character? Would you choose a broken woman with a shady past? Not likely, but Jesus did. Today we unpack John 4 and Jesus' encounter with an unlikely candidate to evangelize a local town.
Paul Taube • Sermon • • 6 views
Ezra 4 introduces us to the beginning of a conflict and hatred that lasts for many centuries We do not just want to read the story as a history lesson but we want to see what God is teaching us through his Word This conflict will lead us to the gospel and show us our place in a world full of conflict…
Stand Alone
Wes Terry • Sermon • • 1 view
INTRODUCTION: I wanted to share this morning from a story in the Gospels located in John 4 . It will be a familiar passage to many of you but the Lord ministered to me through this passage on my trip to Ecuador and I wanted to share it with you this morning. For those who don’t know, the past few weeks…
Growing in Friendship and Hospitality
Andrew E. Beunk • Pastor Team • Sermon • • 14 views
One Blood: Parting Words to the Church on Race, John Perkins Learning from the Stranger: Christian Faith and Cultural Diversity, David I. Smith [BLANK] This morning I want to acknowledge that I will be sharing some of what I learned from David Smith’s book Learning from the Stranger, where he has a chapter…
Dr. Mark A. Barber • Sermon • • 63 views
There was great joy in the city.
Jesse Tink • Sermon • • 12 views
Welcome/Intro Prairie Lakes! Welcome! And Happy Father’s Day! We’ve got summer in full swing around here. But so glad that you’re with us today, whether in-person or online. We’re gonna be finishing our Anchors series today. Here’s where we’ve been and here’s where we’re gonna finish up: START TV SLIDE…
Dr. Mark A. Barber • Sermon • • 24 views
Ten lepers were cleansed, but only one was healed -- a Samaritan
lanny smith • Town & Country Christian Church • Sermon • • 30 views
Lots of changes in this COVID era and what is becoming the post-COVID world. How we work, go to the dr., shop, visit with folks, go to school, even “go to church” has dramatically changed. We didn’t willingly make most of those changes. And it has been difficult. For the most part, humans are adaptable…
Book of Acts: Deer Creek
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 4 views
Aim: To look at the growth of the church with the gospel going out to Samaria
Braydon Hotchkiss • Sermon • • 9 views
Expository sermon on John 4; Jesus and the Woman at the well
John: Life in Christ’s Name
Shaun Marksbury • Living Water Baptist Church • Sermon • • 4 views
Honor and shame are important aspects to biblical culture, but the unbelieving Jews here choose to dishonor the Lord. What can we learn about honoring Him from this exchange?
watch/listen at
Dr. Mark A. Barber • Sermon • • 42 views
Jesus must needs go to Samaria to meet a woman who could not find the right man. she finds Him in Jesus in a way she did not expect.