(9 results)
Nathan P. Cook • Faith Baptist Church • Sermon • • 135 views • 56:12
Introduction It has been four year since Vashti was removed. Josephus says that when his anger was over he was exceedingly grieved that the matter was carried so far, and would have been reconciled to Vashti but that, by the constitution of the government, the judgment was irrevocable—that therefore,…
Faith in the real world
William Yates • New Day Community Church • Sermon • • 25 views • 38:29
Faith = (wisdom + trust in God +Obedience )/ Fear Falsehood = Foolishness x Impatience ^ Fear + Trust in God + Obedience Idolatry = Wisdom ^ Fear + Trust in Self + Obedience to Self Emptiness = Wisdom + Trust in God - (Obedience x Fear) Reflecting that this time is the last week we got to meet together…
Witness to the world: Book of Acts
James Rogers • Sermon • • 79 views • 54:46
A night to remember There are days, there are nights that you will always remember. Without a doubt this is a great day in the life of a jailer and his household. (insert previously picture here) Previously - things leading to our story (Act16:20-24) Paul, Silas and Luke got in some hot water because…
The heart of a prophet - Book of Nehemiah
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 4 views • 59:47
So far . . . So far we have introduced the heart of the prophet A prophet who cared A prophet who prayed A prophet went Tonight we see the prophet who waits, evaluates and enlists. Reading from the prophet 11 So I came to Jerusalem and was there three days. 12 And I arose in the night, I and a few men…
Paul Taube • Sermon • • 3 views
Mark 1:21-45 Jesus doing ministry Jesus was teaching of himself He had authority to speak the scriptures (21) The scriptures all pointed to him Pointed to his work of redemption John 5:36-46 Luke 24:27 all of scripture concerning him Acts 28:23 Paul used the OT to preach Christ He had authority over…
Build Your Life
Jeremy Franklin • Sermon • • 2 views
A series on practical righteousness, how to live out the exceeding righteousness of Christ in the life of the Christian: giving, praying, forgiving, fasting, money, seeking/trusting.
And When You Pray
Wayne Mack • Grace Place Atlanta COGBF • Sermon • • 44 views • 1:15:19
Is there a wrong way to pray? Is it something to be performed or practiced? How is it even done? What even is prayer to begin with? Real questions that need real answers, to guide us through tough times. Listen in as pastor Mack gives practical insight for believers "When We Pray".
Psalm 91
Pastor F. Andrew Dixon • Sermon • • 109 views
Satan will usually set a trap for people when they are living together is unity, just as it happened between Saul and David. There have been many who have been in harmonious friendship for many long years, which was pleasing to those around, and most certainly to the Lord. However, some have fallen into the snare set by the enemy, and their love for each other has been replaced with hatred.
Wayne Mack • Grace Place Atlanta COGBF • Sermon • • 20 views • 1:07:42
We all know the principle, but are still challenged by the practice. Giving without an intoxicating spirit. Our lesson Last week faced the challenge of giving, not for the attention of people, but for the pleasure of God - Practicing righteousness not to be seen by men. Whether you missed out or just have a ready heart for a ready word, Tune in to pastor Mack's message "The Don'ts and Do's of Reward Proof Giving"!!