(21 results)

A detailed Account - Gospel of Luke
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 5 views • 41:22
Tragedy Tragedy (N): an event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress, such as a serious accident, crime, or natural catastrophe. Tragedy, life is full of tragedy. Many want to blame God for tragedy’s in this life. I found this biblical illustration we can learn from. The Book of Job tells…

Bob Fall • Seville Community Church of God • Sermon • • 149 views • 16:46
Context Hebrews 2 ; the writer talks about the Gospel being a message declared by angels and proclaimed by Jesus; a message that can be trusted Hebrews 3:1-6 ; the writer compared Jesus to Moses Moses represented the law The law can only condemn It cannot restore or repair It is absolutely necessary…

Who is Jesus? Man of Mystery
Tony R Baker • Gateway Church • Sermon • • 337 views • 42:51
MAIN POINT: Jesus calls me to follow because someone’s life depends on it. ME: I’ve spent too much of my Christian life worrying about being good. Most of my Christian life has been about working really hard to be a good, moral person Stop doing that — start doing this Don’t say that anymore — say this…

Dustin Mace • Buffalo Baptist Church • Sermon • • 9 views • 36:16
This past Monday and Tuesday Pastor Shawn and I went to the annual meeting of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. We go to this every year, and always have a great time, but this time we were joined by Brandon Shull, Drew Broughton and Brian Kelly. This morning we want to share what the Lord…
the urgency of repentence
Brett Pagan • Sermon • • 4 views
22 He went through one town and village after another, teaching and making his way to Jerusalem. Here Luke is foreshadowing Jesus’ coming sacrificial death. Yet even though Jesus is on His way. He stops at many small villages on the way. Most of us if we were about to die a horrific death would not be…
Epistle to Titus and Covid-19
Paul Taube • Sermon • • 12 views
There is a work to be done that we must not dely
Parables & Prophets
Rev. Dr. Seth Thomas • St James Presbyterian Church • Sermon • • 68 views • 22:49
Who will we be as we await the coming of the master? Will we throw in our talents with one another or will we succumb to the worry that we are not enough? The Christian community is called to lean into the work together, to contribute what they can, and to work for God's justice until the Kingdom comes.
Tony Hevener • Sermon • • 14 views
Seeing it Through Hopefully when you start or are building something you thought it through You have an end in mind and a way to get there Italy - unfinished buildings - avoid taxes - looked like no one thought it through Last few weeks - talked about building families, building facilities What about…
Curtis Pryor • Sermon • • 27 views
Because Jesus promised He is coming back for His people, TODAY is always the day to be ready!
3 Things Before We Go, Key Principles, The Kingdom of Heaven, Priorities
Hector Acosta • Sermon • • 5 views
Time is Short, Life Priorities, Essential Things
End-Time Evangelism
Joseph Carty • Auburn SDA Church • Sermon • • 12 views
The sun rises and the sun sets each day the same. It's easy to become lackadaisical toward our Christian journey. But one important characteristic of all the New Testiment leaders of Christianity is that they believed in the urgency of the Second Coming. How can we develop that same urgency?
Matthew Coby • Sermon • • 149 views
Main Theme: There is only one way to heaven, Jesus. Don't be distracted by new, appealing, and/or tolerant thought processes.
Dr. Hugo E. Garcia • Sermon • • 9 views
Everyday, for many years, this man had been asking for a show of compassion in the form of money. Like most people in our days, not knowing that there was something better, he was happy with a coin! The problem was that such happiness, the happiness of the coin lasted only a moment. It was not even enough…
From Glory to Glory: Jesus in the Gospel of John
Mitch King • Sermon • • 19 views
Jesus heals the spiritually blind for the Glory of God
Bethany Sunday School
Toby DeHay • Sermon • • 394 views
John provides certainty that God's testimony about Himself is true. Since this is true, we should have a two-fold urgency: 1. To walk faithfully as a child of His, and 2. to see an urgency in sharing His Word and truth with those who are lost and separated from Him.
Thanks-Giving Series
Josh Owens • Clear Springs Baptist Church • Sermon • • 3 views
The Sacrifice Of Stewardship Text: 1 Peter 4:7-11 Introduction I am wanting to spend our time together this morning establishing the identity of God’s steward and the imperative nature of living this life in light of that reality. Some would even declare that within the doctrine of salvation that some…
Secret Church
Noah Tyler • Sermon • • 8 views
If you understand the Gospel then your life will have a clear mission: go.
From Glory to Glory: Jesus in the Gospel of John
Mitch King • Sermon • • 12 views
Believers are to respond to lost people with a sense of Urgency ( ) Explanation: Jesus continues to face opposition from all sides. He is opposed by the Jews of Jerusalem (v. 25), the religious leaders (v. 32), the group of unbelieving Jews (v. 35), and the pilgrims at the feast (v. 43). The previous…
John McDaniel • Sermon • • 20 views
We must take our faith serious! Let us not forget or forsake what we have learned, rather we must teach the next generation what we were taught.

T. Campbell • Growing Faith Fellowship • Sermon • • 48 views • 55:17
We can be very zealous about various things in life, but nothing is worth being excited about more than the kingdom of God. Paul teaches us how to stir the fire of God to keep Him first place.
Toby L. Soechting • Sermon • • 949 views
Let’s Get Serious INTRODUCTION: 1. Text: 1 Pet. 1:1-13 (*v. 13). 2. Regarding Text. (1) Notice 1 Pet. 5.13. (2) Peter is writing to strengthen and comfort brethren in times of “fiery” ordeals. (3) Peter wants his brethren to be encouraged. Walking with Christ means at times we will walk in discouraging…