(7 results)
Sermon • • 2,202 views
This morning, I’m going to begin a sermon series on sin. Oh joy, just what you were hoping for, right? In Hebrews 2:3, the author reminds us that the salvation that God provides repentant sinners is a great salvation, and we are fools if we neglect it. I would submit to you this morning that we cannot…
Sermon • • 2,401 views
The last of the Seven Deadly Sins is gluttony. It’s the one I know you’ve all been waiting for! It is a sin we obviously don't hear much preaching about these days. Maybe because too many American preachers are over-weight from too much fried chicken and meetings at Ryan’s. It is a sin that strikes a…
Sermon • • 5,299 views
In his book, Maxims for a Modern Man author Paul Eldridge writes that our envy is "the yeast that swells the fortune of others." People caught up in the sin of envy are always comparing themselves to others. They exaggerate the blessings others have and minimize their own. In other words: Envious people…
Sermon • • 4,549 views
I want to begin my sermon this morning by telling you a story about a young man that showed lots of promise, but who's life ended tragically all because he could not control his lust. He was a young man who, seemingly, had everything going for him. His birth was literally an answer to prayer. His parents…
Sermon • • 1,906 views
Our spiritual forefathers in the early church maintained that there were seven sins that were deadly. The were Pride, Envy, Greed, Sloth, Anger, Lust, and Gluttony. They were considered deadly because, if they are not crucified daily, they lead the soul away from God and righteousness. They were considered…
Sermon • • 1,033 views
Anger is another of the Seven Deadly Sins. Like the sin of pride—last week’s sin d’jour—it’s a sin I know that no one here has a problem with! This is a message for all those ‘other people’ you know who have anger issues. The sin of anger is as old as sin itself—certainly as old as Cain. And while anger…
Sermon • • 3,236 views
In this parable, the rich man died before he could use all that he had stored in his barns. He mistakenly believed that the wealth he had amassed was his alone. Jesus viewed his attitude as a form of greed. When you concentrate your efforts on amassing wealth and material things and ignore God’s plan…