(6 results)

Lee Corpier • Salem UMC - Springtown, PA • Sermon • • 43 views • 37:32
The church had its first internal dispute. The beginnings of the church sounds idyllic They met together frequently for encouragement. They made sure that everyone was taken care of. They shared everything common. They had their first dispute. Taking care of the widows and orphans was mandated by the…
Regardt • Sermon • • 1 view
By die uitbreiding, d.w.s. die vermeerdering van die dissipels was daar bepaalde probleme....mense is oor die hoof gesien. a) Lig die gemeente in hoe God die eerste NT Kerk begin het en hoe hulle bymekaargekom het.
1. Laat eers die klem val op dit wat God doen, 2. Wat 'n dissipel is, 3. Watter uitdagings dit op ons plaas, (verdeeldheid) 4. Die belangrike rol van Woordbestudering en prediking asook gebed.(Waarna luister ons?) 5. Kies hulp.
Acts: The DNA of the Church
Dr. Mark A. Barber • Sermon • • 6 views
Acts 6:1-7 Now in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplying, there arose a complaint against the Hebrews by the Hellenists, because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution. Then the twelve summoned the multitude of the disciples and said, “It is not desirable that we…
The Mission of FBC Afton
Josh Clink • Sermon • • 8 views
ME: Intro - In recent years, There has been many books written, Podcasts recorded, And emphases pushed on returning to the simplicity of the early church, Where Christians stayed on mission and loved one another. Where all the lost people were getting saved, Sick people were getting healed, And all of…
Christian leadership 101
Dustin Mace • Sermon • • 1 view
The role of deacon is a leadership role. But what kind of a leadership role? What kind of authority do they have? What are they called to do? And how does the office of deacon contribute to a healthy church? I invite you to look with me at Acts 6:1-7 for the answer. [SLIDE: THE PREACHING OF THE WORD…]…

Aaron Bauer • Issaquah Christian Church • Sermon • • 35 views
Do you feel you have a voice? Do You feel like you have something to offer? If you are in Christ, you are to be filled with his Spirit and empowered to speak up for the wounded and to speak the story of Jesus. Pastor Aaron preaches from Acts 6:1-7.