(4 results)
Sael Dias • Sermon • • 1,169 views
INTRODUÇÃO A frase "Luz, câmera... AÇÃO" é atribuída ao diretor de cinema David Wark Griffith, como uma forma de destacar os passos mais importantes para uma gravação bem-sucedida. No entanto, toda essa preparação não significa nada sem a ação, que é quando tudo começa a fazer sentido e propósito. Ele…
Literature Ministries Leaders Training
Alexander Clemente • Letras con Propósito • Sermon • • 20 views
7 tips to motivate and encourage yourself as a leader and being able to encourage others
The Gap
David Asscherick • Pastor Joseph Khabbaz • Sermon • • 42 views • 1:04:33
Discover the false dichotomy the enemy seeks to create by making us think we have to choose one thing or the other. The reality is we don’t have to choose between Jesus and joy, Christ and church, doctrinal beliefs and devotion to God, the Law and freedom - it is both/and! There is no GAP!
The Gap
David Asscherick • Pastor Joseph Khabbaz • Sermon • • 49 views • 1:00:11
Witness the power of God’s story becoming our story. Pastor David Asscherick shared his testimony of how the witness of one kind Christian, the Bible, and the book The Great Controversy completely transformed his life. We learned that God will meet us right where we are. Jesus takes the initiative but leaves the choice up to us. During this week of prayer, we have the opportunity to make choices that bring us closer to God, and in doing so He promises to fill the gap.