(5 results)
1 Corinthians
John Duffy • CGCF • Sermon • • 14 views • 36:27
God has called his people to himself, to be holy, giving them the righteousness of Christ. We ought therefore to shun sin, to oppose it wherever it is found, especially within the Church. Church discipline is the process to restore sinners to fellowship in holiness. God's grace covers our sins. We need repentance as well as faith.
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1 Corinthians
Dennis Lowry • CrossWay of Pembroke • Sermon • • 17 views • 38:48
Be who you are. You have been set free in
LTC 2 Samuel Series
Ken Richter • Soldier Creek Church of Christ • Sermon • • 29 views • 25:21
Amnon, Tamar and Absalom....ugly, ugly stuff. This lesson notes all of the ways the plain law of God was being disregarded among David's family and the nation. The Bible doesn't shy away from showing how depraved God's people can be, so we shouldn't bury it under a rug either.
Pastor Josh Plantholt • Calvary Baltimore • Sermon • • 16 views • 36:53
In Revelation 9, despite all the seals and woes, the ungodly are still unrepentant. Sorcery, sexual sin and idolizing the gods of the current culture. Christians should grieve and mourn this sin, and see it for what it is: fiery darts of Satan, intended to drag our loved ones into the pits of hell. We must not remain as silent believers, and instead be salt and light to them, giving them the good news of the Gospel!
The Book of Ephesians
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 13 views
Here’s how:
1. Mimic our Master (vs. 1a).
2. Learn how much we are loved by God (vs. 1b).
3. Love like we are loved by God (vs. 2).
4. Live with godly holiness (vs. 3-7).
5. Walk as children of light (vs. 8-14).