(7 results)
In the Beginning
Mark Edward Gilliland • Sermon • • 5 views
Exceedingly Grave Sin Genesis 13:13 “Now the men of Sodom were wicked, great sinners against the Lord.” Genesis 18:20 “Then the Lord said, “Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great and their sin is very grave,” Genesis 2:24 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold…
Robert Gillis • Sermon • • 1 view
The Sin of Sodom Introduction: And all God’s people said, Amen. Yes, praise the Lord. Genesis 19 is our text, but before we dive in let’s pray. Prayer: Father, we thank you for every blessing of life. Thank you for you grace, mercy, and peace. Thank you for your word and how it blesses us. Thank you…
Johnston, Dan • Sermon • • 16 views
When God gives us a chance to escape destruction, it's best to run towards freedom and never look back.
LGBTQ+ Issues
Shaun Marksbury • Living Water Baptist Church • Sermon • • 2 views
Does God's Law *actually* forbid same-sex relationships and the like? Join us this morning as we continue unpacking biblical truth and see even a message of grace and redemption.
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The Justice of God
Ronald Coleman • Disciples Path Community Church • Sermon • • 80 views
The Justice of God: The Father Chosen For Justice 16 Then the men set out from there, and they looked down toward Sodom. And Abraham went with them to set them on their way. 17 The Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, 18 seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty…
Luke Kirkendall • Sermon • • 77 views
Today is one of the most famous sections in Scripture concerning the judgment of God. Within Genesis so far we have seen 2 examples of God’s judgment for sin. The first came after the first sin. Adam sinned, and when he sinned sin came into the world. God’s judgment was that man now would face death.…
The Morning Devotional - Season Five (Genesis)
William F. Hill, Jr. • Sermon • • 11 views
A Journey Through Genesis
July 6, 2022
Season Five | Edition 19: Genesis 19