(3 results)
MidWeek--Circle Maker
Mickey Baldwin • Sermon • • 13 views
It has been said, that you must open one door before the other doors will be opened up--in this case it was a city named Jericho and before Joshua and the Israelites could enjoy the land of Milk and Honey, they had to take the city without a Word until it was time.
Songs For Our Heart
Michael Morse • Calvary Chapel Redeeming Grace • Sermon • • 111 views • 53:46
Introduction Last week we talked about “In God We Trust”. What it looks like to actually trust in God as we face our battles. As we turn to Psalm 21 this evening we come to the sister Psalm of Psalm 20 . Psalm 20 was praying to God for the battle - yet to be fought and Psalm 21 is written after, the…