(2 results)

Waiting Room
Pastor David Lee • Hill City Church • Sermon • • 191 views • 44:00
Following God When You're Stuck in the Waiting Room • Genesis 39 •
The Waiting Room is the place where God does His greatest work in you
As God's preparing the promise for you, He's also preparing you for His promise
Isaiah 64:4-5a
Following God in the Waiting Room means that you...
- 1. Steward the Present
- 2. Fight for Integrity
1. Steward the Present
"Gladly Do Good..."
Are you allowing God to use you to be a channel of His divine blessing to the people around you?
2. Fight for Integrity
"Remember Your Ways..."
3 Reasons for Joseph's Refusal
- 1. An ABUSE of the great trust placed in Joseph
- 2. An OFFENSE against her husband
- 3. A SIN against God
In other words, No INTEGRITY
1. Whole/Complete
2. Genuine
3. Pure/Blameless
Are you willing to be a... woman/man of Integrity?
Isaiah 64:4-5a
Hebrews 4:15
Flanvis Johnson, Jr. • Sermon • • 204 views
Temple Of Deliverance 1 It’s Time To Move! Deuteronomy 1:6 I come today on divine assignment, with a divine word from the Lord. I come to help dedicate this building for God’s use, but it is more important that I dedicate you, the people, than that I dedicate a building. If I am invited back on another…