(7 results)
Stand Alone
Andrew Owens • Vaughn Hill Church • Sermon • • 9 views • 30:23
We look at what we can do as a church to help our young adults keep their faith. The conviction for our adults to be the strong examples, and investing in theis lives.
Greg Bondurant • Sermon • • 12 views
Seven Billion Reasons - Because future generations need to know! May I also say! I am praying for a packed Venue 471! Buildings are tools. It’s what happens in the building that counts! Let’s dedicate this student ministry space for God’s purposes! Becky Medley presented some really cute baby pictures.…
Bill Mesaeh, Jr. • Sermon • • 45 views
Oh, The Places You Will Go! Bill Mesaeh / 1. Brains in Your Head a. You’ll have many decisions to make i. To this point, many have been made for you ii. That gradually diminishes, and you’re left to decide more on your own iii. There are times that is a good thing, 1. and there are…
David Paul Asfour • Sermon • • 4,082 views
One of the many great things about the Bible is that it’s a very practical book as well as a spiritual book meant to draw you closer to God. People who follow the advice of the bible and gain wisdom from it will not only keep themselves out of trouble, but will also give themselves the opportunity to…
David Paul Asfour • Sermon • • 511 views
Open with prayer. Talk about the 1,000 flavors ice cream shop to open discussion on choices and how everyone likes them. Ask whether or not they believe Christianity is a faith of nothing but rules or a faith that gives you freedom. John 8:36 Many people don't want to become Christians or believe in…
David Paul Asfour • Sermon • • 13 views
Popular but ungodly vs. Godly but unpopular allow students to give some examples, then tell them to keep those examples in their minds throughout the lesson. Exodus 2:5-10 Moses was adopted into the family of the Pharaoh of Egypt. He was loved, nurtured & educated as a prince of Egypt (Acts 7:21, 23).…
David Paul Asfour • Sermon • • 14 views
Ask: What is the #1 purpose of the church? Read Matthew 28:19-20 Ask: What are some of the instructions given in those passages? Answers: make disciples, baptize, and teach them to observe commandments. Ask: What is the #1 reason why people get saved? Ask: Is going to heaven the only goal of becoming…