(2 results)
Super Bowl Series
Bobby Earls • Sermon • • 839 views • unknown
TEXT: Ephesians 2:1-10 TOPIC: God’s Superabundant Grace Pastor Bobby Earls, First Baptist Church, Center Point, Alabama February 5, 2006, Super Bowl Sunday In recent years I have used Super Bowl Sunday as an opportunity to bring some very special messages. One year I preached on the topic, The First…
Bobby Earls • Sermon • • 6,234 views
TEXT: Ephesians 4:11-12 TOPIC: What If the Church Played the Super Bowl? Pastor Bobby Earls, First Baptist Church, Center Point, Alabama February 1, 2009 (Much of the following message is gleaned from John Maxwell's TEAM Ministry and his seminar notes on God's Master Game Plan.) 11 And He Himself gave…