(3 results)
Matthew - Jesus is the Subject
Ben Allen • East Coast Anglican • Sermon • • 26 views • 26:20
Jesus teaches against the abuse of oaths and vows in people's attempts to not have to do what they say. Yet, says Jesus, his followers should simply do what they say and not do what they say they won't. There should be no attempts made to get around what you've said. The faithfulness demanded of Christians points us to the perfect faithfulness of Christ to deal with the guilt and sin of our unfaithful ways.
Matthew 2019-2020
Jason Stuart Percy • Refuge TLH • Sermon • • 25 views • 1:00:20
God always keeps His Word. He does everything He says He'll do. Those conforming to His Kingdom are learning to keep our Word. We shouldn't have to make promises because we ought to be known as those who do what we say we'll do. With men, this is impossible. But with God, all things are possible. He has removed our sin. He has purchased us for Himself and forgiven us and has promised us an unending life in His presence, though we deserve none of these things. May we be those who trust Him. He has proven that He is faithful and true. Recorded at Refuge TLH on Sunday, July 7, 2019.
Kendal Rasnake • West Point Road Church of Christ • Sermon • • 28 views • 24:51
What did Jesus teach was the only circumstance that permitted divorce? What did Jesus teach about the promises we make? What are 3 things we can do to our enemies?