(6 results)
Dustin Mace • Buffalo Baptist Church • Sermon • • 27 views • 32:05
Now that Halloween is officially upon us, it’s an appropriate time to talk about a phrase that gets tossed around this time of year. That phrase is hocus pocus. So let’s take a fun quiz, ok? I’m going to give you five possibilities of what hocus pocus might mean. Raise your hand when you think I’m on…
Dr. Hugo E. Garcia • Sermon • • 16 views
En cap.1 vimos que Dios habló a Israel en muchas ocasiones y maneras. Les habló [pr medio de Moisés y los profetas. El mensaje que les anunció a través de ellos es conocido comunmente como “La Ley”. Pero tal denominación no es completa porque la Ley, propiamemte hablando, se refiere a los primeros cinco…
Dustin Mace • Sermon • • 3 views
Now that Halloween is officially upon us, it’s an appropriate time to talk about a phrase that gets tossed around this time of year. That phrase is hocus pocus. So let’s take a fun quiz, ok? I’m going to give you five possibilities of what hocus pocus might mean. Raise your hand when you think I’m on…
The Tanakh
David Woods • The Church of God in Birmingham • Sermon • • 20 views
The Tanakh
David Woods • The Church of God in Birmingham • Sermon • • 20 views
Dr.Jeffrey Kran • Sermon • • 30 views
The Binding of Isaac and the Sacrifice of Christ- the idea of Substitutionary Atonement in Jewish thought I. Introduction A. Joke B. The Boy Scout model II. The Binding of Isaac in Jewish Thought A. Known as the Akediah and a beloved text B. Seen as a vital basis for vicarious atonement in ancient times…