(28 results)
Jon Gruss • Allegan Bible Church • Sermon • • 1,221 views • 31:52
How should we interact with a government we do not agree with?
Jonathan • Franklin Creek Baptist Church • Sermon • • 43 views • 1:06:04
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend And they sent to him some of the Pharisees and some of the Herodians, to trap him in his talk. Pharisees and Herodians were enemies politically and socially. Pharisees were conservative nationalists who begrudgingly consented to Roman rule. Herodians were liberal “sellouts”…
Jesus Becomes King
Matt Stidham • East Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 12 views • 24:59
How do we live as citizens of the kingdom in a world that has gone mad?
Questions for the Master
Michael Licina Jr. • Sermon • • 5 views
Paint on walls - giving a whole different look Often Jesus encounters those who “paint” themselves to be righteous when they’re not. Their questions are traps. Stand with me as we read Luke 20:19-26 . This is God’s Word, and if you let it, it will change your life. 19 The scribes and the chief priests…
Torah Study
Alex Howard • Sermon • • 2 views
We should be cautious in when we should and should not act as the pagans.
The Gospel of Mark
Eric • Sermon • • 10 views
“In polite company, you should not talk about politics or religion.” Or so people say. These topics are notoriously touchy, highly personal, and in discussing them, people are more sensitive than they would be discussing, perhaps, football. Of course, Christians know that they cannot actually obey this…
Cultural Issues
Austin Bedwell • Sermon • • 3 views
Introduction Tonight is not about being Republican or Democrat or Independent or Socialist etc. I will not promote any party tonight or bash any party tonight and I ask for you all to do the same tonight. Tonight is not about political debates, but about our relationship with Christ and how we interact…
Beyond the limit
Keith Cookson • Sermon • • 1 view
Intro: Last week we talked about limits. We have an unlimited God. His grace brings us beyond the limitations of our barriers. We talked about when the Israelites were limited in their food options got hangry and started a whole mob about it.. Moses found himself out of the resource of patience and understanding…
Jesus and Politics
Richard Schwartz • Sermon • • 4 views
Please turn to Matthew 22 . Matthew 22 vs. 15 I often wonder what would Jesus do if he were literally walking this earth, and we could have a press conference with Jesus... and ask him—what do you think of politics? what do you think of politics globally and what’s going on? We would also love to ask…
Portrait of Jesus according to the Gospel of Mark
Shon George • Sermon • • 21 views
The Pharisees and Herodian attempt to trap Jesus by asking a question about paying taxes to Rome. Jesus responds with giving back to whom which it belongs, Caesar to Caesar and God to God.
Frank Walker • Sermon • • 16 views
And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. Joseph and Mary are obviously important characters in…
Mary Christmas
Eric Maglisco • Sermon • • 40 views
The historical factuality of Jesus's birth, what Jesus gave up by coming to earth, and why He came to earth.
Frank Walker • Sermon • • 77 views
And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. ( And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. For the messages leading up to Christmas this year, I…
Questions for Jesus
Jason Freyer • Sermon • • 7 views
We are made in the image of God, so we ought to be entirely his.
The Glory of the Gospel: Studies in the Book of Romans
Mitch King • Sermon • • 10 views
God ordains human governments and believers are to be in submission
Matthew's Gospel
Richard Floyd • Sermon • • 10 views
Testing Jesus “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart…
RCL - Trinitytide (Ordinary Time)
Benjamin Snyder • Sermon • • 117 views • 14:01
This sermon is based on the Gospel reading (Matt 22:15-22) and explores the heart of the "gotcha" question posted to Jesus about paying the Tribute Tax to Caesar. The trap set by the disciples of the Pharisees and the Herodians is based on money, politics, and religion and the setup entails truth and impartiality.
19th Sunday after Trinity
Matthew's Gospel
Richard Floyd • Sermon • • 4 views
Freedom and Responsibility Introduction: Election day is coming up, and America could not be more polarized (maybe more polarized than we have ever been?). We may think, “I am a citizen of Heaven, and earthly politics don’t matter. Wrong! Jesus expects us to be responsible and functional members of our…
The Lord's Prayer
Mark E. Ryman • Sermon • • 78 views • 7:52
"And lead us not into temptation."
The Church
Rick Page • Sermon • • 18 views
It is normal, and quite understandable that most people read Romans 13:1-7 from their own historical perspective. Therfore, the fan of JFK reading this in 1962 would arrive at an entirely different understanding than the opponent of Nixon reading it in 1974. The latter reader may struggle the most with the implications, but would likely have more in common with Paul's original audience in Rome, for Nero was on the throne, and Paul was calling his audience to respect that Nero was only in power by God's sovereign will.
The Romans Road
Matthew McDonald • Sermon • • 12 views
Open your Bibles to Romans 13 While you find your spot, let me address something I have seen a lot of lately that concerns me. This country is divided now more than we have been in a very long time. We will allow anyone and anything to divide us these days. Right now, I could divide this room over what…
Matthew - The King and The Kingdom
Aaron Frost • Ira Baptist Church • Sermon • • 14 views • 47:51