(4 results)
Baptist Distinctive's
David Hildebrand • Victory Baptist Church Holly Ridge • Sermon • • 261 views • 1:05:17
Intro There are eight Biblical Distinctives of Baptists that we will cover in this series. You can use the acrostic B.A.P.T.I.S.T.S B - Biblical Authority A - Autonomy of the Church P - Priesthood of the Believer T - Two Offices (Pastor and Deacon) I - Individual Soul Liberty S - Saved and Baptized Church…
Keys to the Kingdom
Shawn Lund • Kingdom Way Church • Sermon • • 2 views • 1:09:18
19 “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.” Introduction: The Key to Unlocking Heaven’s Power Jesus entrusts His followers with the "keys of the kingdom," emphasizing…
Patton Shinall • Sermon • • 1 view
The Holy Spirit guides in all truth by leading us to know and live out God’s word.
Understanding Our Mission
Dr. George Bannister. Ph.D., D.Min., Th.M., M.Div. • Sermon • • 14 views
This sermon answers the question posed by Pontius Pilate to Jesus, "What is truth?" The answer to the question is considered in two parts: (1.) The truth is a person-Jesus Christ. (2.) The truth is a personal communication - God's Word. The purpose of the truth is the transformation of individuals into Kingdom citizens through the new birth and discipleship.